A Father's Love (Prologue)

Aug 21, 2014 19:02

Title: A Father's Love (Prologue/?)
Word Count: ~1000
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Based off this GKM prompt. Kurt always had problems with bedwetting, but as he grew older it just got worse. Burt had no problem diapering and changing his son. But when Kurt is 17 he decides he's old enough for underwear. Burt, however, wanting his son to stay in diapers, has other ideas.
A/N: This is not my first time writing fic in the Glee fandom, but it is my first time writing this particular kink (ageplay, infantilism, diapering etc). This is unbetaed, but if you beta this kink feel free to drop a comment or a message if you want to help! Rest of the fic will follow soon!


rating: nc-17, genre: smut, genre: au, media: fanfic, media: fic, length: multi-part

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