Fic: Now's Your Chance (14/14)

Aug 13, 2014 21:37

Media: Fic
Verse: Chance Verse
Title: Now's Your Chance
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, Background Finchel, Cooper Anderson, The Anderson Family, Various Misc Canon Characters Through Season 5 (including Chandler, Adam, Sebastian and Elliott).
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Meta (Lots of it), Inaccuracies with regards to film/television industry, Inaccuracies with living in New York, Infidelity (not Kurt or Blaine)
Rating: NC-17 (Overall)
Spoilers: 5.20
Word Count: 38,403
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them. The songs are not mine either.
Summary: The perfect dream. The perfect life. Or what happens when Kurt and Blaine realize that everyday life continues once your dreams come true.

Author’s Note: Here it is, the final chapter. This story has been a labor of love and I'm so, so glad I'm able to take you to the end of the story for this Kurt and Blaine. I owe each and everyone of you who read and commented and edited and even just hit the like button a huge thank you. Writing AAC and it's subsequent sequels changed my life and the way I write. I'm so glad you were all willing to go on one more trip with me and the boys.

So many, many thanks to imaginentertain, star55 and echoing-seas for being my betas on this. Without the three of you, I surely would have gone insane. <3

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13

Time passed in a blur for Kurt after his and Blaine’s fight and subsequent make up. True to their word, they both made an effort to change things. Kurt made sure he was home more and Blaine did his best (when he could) to get home earlier. Their text messaging picked back up - Blaine was constantly telling Kurt about goings on on the set and Kurt lapped up every tidbit, because he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed that interaction until it was gone. Nick and Jeff were at the center of most of the stories as usual and Kurt couldn’t remember the last time he and Blaine had laughed so much.

Nick and Jeff encouraged them to get out more, dragging them out to clubs and restaurants, claiming that “date nights” were very important to relationships and that he and Blaine hadn’t nearly gone out enough before. They found a favorite club (more upscale than the one they’d dragged Blaine to before) in the Village where no one bothered them and the paparazzi didn’t seem to deem important enough to stalk (not yet, anyway).

Kurt’s favorite thing had to be the notes though. Blaine had taken to leaving love notes for him everywhere, in sometimes unexpected places. Nowhere was safe - Kurt found them in coffee mugs, shirt pockets and once one had been wrapped around his toothbrush, held in place with a colorful rubber band. The notes weren’t much, usually just the words “I love you” and a misshapen heart; to Kurt they meant the world. He kept them all in a box, along with the emails he and Blaine had exchanged from before they met in person.

He and Blaine had talked it over and made an offer to Santana - they would put her up in a nearby hotel until she found a job, recompense for “kicking her out” of their house. They felt like she would only add to the stress of them working through their issues, even though they loved her to pieces. She milked the deal, like they thought she would, but they didn’t mind since it meant having the condo to themselves again.

They made a plan to have one night a week to just sit and talk. Sometimes it was about little things that happened during their days and sometimes it was about big stuff - their families, friends, jobs and school. Sometimes those conversations hurt, but Kurt knew it was better for their relationship in the long run. They’d seen what happened when stuff was allowed to fester.

Kurt’s ankle got better slowly and he took an incomplete in dance class as a result. With that stress load off of him, he was able to excel in his other classes, even while on the crutches. Once the swelling went down his doctor had him in physical therapy, and that’s where he met Elliott “Starchild” Gilbert.

Elliott was a senior at NYU and in therapy for a hand injury (he never did tell Kurt exactly how he did it, just that “you had to be there”). Elliott was the reason Kurt found about the Broadway revival of Funny Girl, and the open casting call.

Telling Rachel had been a given - the two of them had marched right down to the theater and auditioned. Kurt figured neither one of them would get cast but it would still be good for them anyway. With his ankle healed, Kurt felt he danced better than he ever had before and thanks to NYADA’s voice training, he sounded great too.

His hopes were high that he might get a role, despite the odds against him.

When the call came, startling him and Blaine out of cuddle time, he nearly fell off the couch. Kurt had landed the role of Eddie.

He, Kurt Hummel, had gotten a lead role in a Broadway musical.


“Kurt!” Rachel called out from behind him, rushing up to his side. She'd landed the understudy role for Fanny Brice. “You’ll never guess!”

“Rachel, calm down,” Kurt said. “The curtain goes up in twenty minutes and I’m already freaking out.”

“I’m going on!” Rachel nearly shouted.

“What?!” he shrieked, glad that they were in his dressing room with the door shut and not where people could hear them.

“Melanie fell and broke… I don’t know, something, and I’m going on!” Rachel crowed, jumping up and down. Kurt couldn’t help but join in, pulling her into a hug as they bounced.

“Oh my God!” he exclaimed. “Oh my God!”

“We’re gonna kill this!” Rachel told him determinedly, pulling back. “I have to go get dressed!”

“Go! Go!” Kurt encouraged, pulling out his phone to text Blaine the good news.

Blaine had been extremely supportive during the entire process of him taking this role - he even landed a movie role that filmed where Kurt was doing the out of town Funny Girl run, ensuring that they wouldn’t be separated long.New York Life had let him off to make the movie and now that he and Kurt were back in New York again, Blaine was hard at work filming while his movie was doing well at the box office.

They were actually making it in New York, doing what they always dreamed.


Blaine was the first one backstage, his bouquet of red and yellow roses thrust into Kurt’s hands the moment he saw him.

“You were amazing,” he told Kurt. “You take my breath away,” he whispered, “and not just tonight, up on that stage.”

Kurt let out a choked sound in reply, tears spilling onto his cheeks as he threw his arms around Blaine.

“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Kurt murmured into his shoulder.

“You could have,” Blaine said, “but I’m really glad you didn’t.”

“Me too.” Kurt pulled back, smelling the roses. Their families descended on them then, and Blaine stepped back, letting Kurt have his moment in the spotlight. Cooper wrapped Kurt in a big hug and Kurt squealed in protest.

“I could have sworn Broadway was dead,” Cooper said, “but you’ve definitely revived it after tonight.”

Burt was next, practically pushing Cooper out of the way to get at his son. Burt’s cancer had gone into remission months ago and he was healthier than ever. Blaine was glad, because he had no idea what he and Kurt would do without Burt in their lives.

Blaine smiled and watched as Kurt lapped up the adulation. He and Kurt would be going out after this to “their” club. They would dance the night away and it would be perfect.

Then next week, on Kurt’s birthday, Blaine would have a proposal for him, hopefully Kurt would say yes for real this time and make all their dreams come true.

The End

rating: nc-17, authors/artists: s, genre: au, length: series, genre: angst, genre: romance, media: fic, length: multi-part

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