Fic: Now's Your Chance (13/14)

Jul 28, 2014 20:26

Media: Fic
Verse: Chance Verse
Title: Now's Your Chance
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, Background Finchel, Cooper Anderson, The Anderson Family, Various Misc Canon Characters Through Season 5 (including Chandler, Adam, Sebastian and Elliott).
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Meta (Lots of it), Inaccuracies with regards to film/television industry, Inaccuracies with living in New York, Infidelity (not Kurt or Blaine)
Rating: NC-17 (Overall)
Spoilers: 5.20
Word Count: This Chapter: 2,322/Total: 37,278(so far)
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them. The songs are not mine either.
Summary: The perfect dream. The perfect life. Or what happens when Kurt and Blaine realize that everyday life continues once your dreams come true.

Author’s Note: So this is the third story in the "Chance" series. You'll need to have read An Accidental Chance and Chances Are for this one to make any sense. For a long time, I said that I was done with this verse. I had burned myself out and wasn't sure I wanted to come back to it, no matter how much I love it. Finally, after much discussion with my betas and an itch to write something, I decided that was going to come back here, to finish out Kurt and Blaine's story in this verse. I mean, Cooper Anderson didn't even exist when I started writing these!! :D

There's a lot(I mean A LOT)of meta here. Fandom tropes, in jokes, and real life cast member events may be twisted to suit my purposes for this fic (except for what happened with Cory. That will not happen in any way in this verse and Finn is very much alive, if in the background, for those that need that warning). As a whole, it's largely an AU of season four. Warnings and ratings may vary by chapter.

If you want progress updates, or want to leave me a prompt for this verse, my tumblr is here. I am tentatively accepting prompts again, so hit me up!

So many, many thanks to imaginentertain, star55 and echoing-seas for being my betas on this, including imaginentertain betaing right in my living room while she was on vacation. You gals are the best. <3

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12

Blaine was rudely awakened by the repeated buzzing of his phone. After the third time, he jerked upward to answer it, nearly head-butting Kurt in the chin. Kurt’s arms tightened around him and Blaine relaxed, lying his head back down on Kurt’s chest. He was just drifting back off when it rang again. Blaine sat up then, Kurt jerking awake when Blaine moved.

“Wha?” Kurt managed to mumble out, but Blaine wasn’t paying him any attention. He was groping for his phone, answering it when he saw it was Julie.

“Jules, what the hell?” he snapped. “You do know how voice mail works, right?”

“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Blaine,” Julie said. “We need to talk.”

Kurt tugged the blanket up over his chest as Blaine slid away. He hated to move, it was like the chasm between them grew with their physical distance.

“What about?” Blaine asked, running his fingers through his rumpled hair.

Julie took a breath. “Get your laptop.”

Blaine didn’t like the tone of her voice and silently went over and picked up Kurt’s laptop from the dresser. He followed her instructions and soon was clicking play on the first video on TMZ’s website.

Kurt’s voice drifted out of the computer, singing hauntingly, uncomfortably loud in the silent room.

“So,” Jules said once he was done watching, “this thing has gone beyond just gossip blogs and stuff. It’s national news. Even standard morning news shows have picked it up.”

“Oh, my God,” he heard Kurt murmur quietly, and Blaine knew he’d heard Julie through the phone. Blaine felt frozen, like he couldn’t move. The entire world had seen video of Kurt potentially breaking up with him through song.

He just couldn’t win.

“I assume that this has been blown out of proportion?” Julie asked him. “I’ll just issue a statement and that-"

Blaine cut her off. “It’s not. I mean, we’re working through some stuff.”

She went quiet for a moment. “Oh.”

Blaine had never known Julie to be at a loss for words before. Words were her job, that’s what she did.

“What would you like me to say?” Julie continued, her voice soft.

“Nothing’s been decided,” Blaine replied, glancing at Kurt.

“So the official comment is ‘no comment,’” Julie confirmed quietly. “I’ll go start making calls. You two… I hope you can work it out, whatever it is. And let me know what’s going on because I’ve got damage control to do.”

Blaine agreed and hung up with Julie, setting his phone back on the nightstand. He took a deep breath and then looked at Kurt lying quietly beside him.

He didn’t even know where to begin.


By some unspoken agreement, Kurt finally slid out of bed, Blaine following him out into the kitchen. Blaine helped him settle into one of the kitchen chairs, foot propped up on a pillow on another chair to elevate it while Blaine set about making coffee. Kurt hated feeling helpless in his own house - he couldn’t even make a simple cup of coffee thanks to his stupidity.

Finally they were sitting down across from each other at the kitchen table, sipping the coffee from their mugs. It was clear Blaine didn’t know where to start any more than he did.

“So,” Kurt finally ventured and Blaine looked up at him, eyes widening.

“So,” Blaine repeated, his eyes filled with emotion. Kurt opened his mouth to reply, his words carefully chosen, but was interrupted by the ringing of his cell phone.

“Finn,” Kurt said, hearing the specialized ringtone. Blaine got up without a word and came back with both of their phones. Blaine’s rang on his way back into the room.

“Jeff,” Blaine told him. Kurt nodded.

The flurry of phone calls continued then, as everyone no doubt turned on their TVs and caught the morning news - Rachel, Santana (who’d been suspiciously absent since the karaoke bar last night), Nick, Jeff again, and finally Kurt’s dad.

Kurt answered that one, wishing Blaine would go into the other room so he could talk to his dad alone.

“Hi, Dad,” he said into the phone.

“Kiddo, what the hell is going on?” his father demanded. “You an’ Blaine are all over the TV.”

Kurt sniffled. “I know. Things are… complicated right now.”

“Oh, Kurt,” his father’s voice was softer and almost sad.

“Dad, I don’t know what to do. Everything’s a mess.”

“They said on the news you guys were at the hospital?” Burt continued. “You’re both okay, right?”

“I sprained my ankle in dance class,” Kurt answered. “I’m not allowed to put any weight on it for the next six weeks.”

“You make sure to follow that,” his father instructed and Kurt made sure to agree with him. “But that ain’t why you two are splashed all over the media.”

“I know,” Kurt whispered. “I - we’re trying to figure things out,” he said carefully, feeling Blaine’s eyes on him.

“I wish I could be there,” Burt said, his voice full of concern.

“I know, but I’m a big boy, Dad. I can take care of myself,” Kurt said.

They talked for a few more minutes and then hung up, Kurt shutting off his phone afterward.

“It’s off now.” Kurt waved his phone, setting it on the table.

“Good idea,” Blaine told him, switching his off as well. Kurt took his seat, pushing his coffee away. He didn’t think he could stomach it now. Everything felt too real.


“I think that after our talk last night,” Blaine finally found the courage to begin, “it’s clear neither of us wants to break up.”

Kurt stared at him, wide-eyed. Blaine couldn’t breathe while he waiting for Kurt to reply.

“No,” Kurt said after a long moment and Blaine let himself exhale slowly, “No, I don’t want to break up. But we can’t go on like this, either. Things have to change.”

“Can we fix it?” Blaine asked, his voice feeling thick. It was hard to get the words out.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know where to start, Blaine,” Kurt murmured.

“Don’t we owe it to ourselves and our relationship to at least try?” Blaine said.

“Of course we do.” Kurt nodded. “I guess I just don’t understand how we could have this amazing relationship when we were miles apart but the moment we’re together full time, it all falls to shit,” he whispered.

“We took each other for granted, always assuming the other one would be there and we weren’t,” Blaine told him. “We didn’t communicate - I didn’t tell you about Sebastian and you didn’t tell me about Adam. We assumed things, like how we felt about certain situations and took things out on each other that weren’t the other’s fault.”

Another pause settled over the conversation.

“So how do we fix it then?” Kurt asked.

“I meant what I said, Kurt,” Blaine replied. “I don’t want to lose you. I love you, more than my own life.”

“I love you too,” Kurt murmured, tears making their way down his cheeks as he reached across the table and took Blaine’s hand in his.

“So let’s figure it out,” Blaine told him, suddenly filled with hope. They could do this. They could save what they had and make it better than it was before. They just had to work at it.


I cried myself to sleep last night and woke up this morning hoping it was a bad dream. #I’m living in a nightmare

Klaine “break up” on every news channel this morning #excuse me while I sob into my Cheerios

I am in rampant denial. Have some fic recs:

From NY to LA

Slip N Slide

And my personal favorite (with the most amazing Niff/Klaine foursome, OMgggg): Getting’ Jiggy Wit’ It

I saw the video on the news this morning while getting ready for school and I screamed so loud my mom grounded me. #fml

Has anyone from the boys’ camp said anything?

Nope - Julie’s been silent. I think this is really bad, you guys.



“You really think we can do this and not screw it up this time?” Kurt asked quietly, his head tucked into Blaine’s neck. They were naked in bed, entwined together as much as possible. Once they’d decided to make this work, well, they’d had the hottest make up sex possible (even with Kurt’s injured ankle limiting some things).

Kurt couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this content, this sure in his and Blaine’s love. Everything was out in the open now; there was nothing they couldn’t discuss.

“I do,” Blaine said solemnly, his fingers circling around Kurt’s promise ring, the one Blaine had put on his finger over a year ago. “Because I made a promise to you, a promise made in faith and love and I’ll be damned if I’m letting you go over such fixable things.”

“And I promised you right back,” Kurt replied, smiling softly. His hand found Blaine’s, tracing over the ring Blaine wore as well.

“All we need to do is hold onto that and stick to our plan. We can do this Kurt, I know it.”

“I love you,” Kurt said, leaning his head back to press a chaste kiss to Blaine’s lips.

“I love you,” Blaine returned, his voice muffled by Kurt’s lips on his.

They kissed for a few more moments and then Kurt pulled back. “As much as I’d love to just stay in this room here forever, we’ve got to face the music.”

Blaine made a face. “I know.”

“So what should we say?”

Blaine sighed and Kurt trailed his finger down Blaine’s cheek. “I feel bad. If I hadn’t sung that song to you, we wouldn’t have to deal with everyone in our business.”

“It’s not your fault, Kurt,” Blaine said. “Everyone on the face of the planet has a smartphone and an Instagram account these days.”

Kurt made a face. “True.”

“We could just say you were trying out a song for the show or something,” Blaine suggested. “If you’d rather people not really know what happened.”

Kurt thought about that. It would make things easier; would probably take the bulk of the attention off of them. “No.” He paused. “We owe it to the fans to tell them the truth.”

“So… Julie puts out that we’ve hit a rough patch and we’re working through it.” Blaine nods. “Okay.”

“We should do something else though,” Kurt offered, thinking hard. “What if we did a video and put it online?”

“What kind of video?”

“Oh my God, Blaine Anderson, I know that tone. Get your mind out of the gutter.” Kurt giggled. “I meant, like you know, talk about what happened a little, maybe debunk some of the crazier headlines on the tabloids, and take questions or whatever.”

“That’s a good idea,” Blaine replied, smiling. Kurt smiled back and then bit his lip.

“But first…” Kurt trailed off, leaning up so that he was half on top of Blaine. “I don’t think we’re finished here.”

“Nope,” Blaine agreed against his lips. “Definitely not.”


“Hi,” Blaine said into the camera, smiling and putting his arm around Kurt’s shoulder. “For those of you who might not know who I am, I’m Blaine Anderson.”

“And I’m Kurt Hummel,” Kurt chimed in.

“We’re making this video for you today, right from our living room, because we need to set the record straight about a few things.”

“So,” Kurt said. “Who saw the video of me singing the other night and thought that things weren’t so great between Blaine and me?”

“Well, you’d be right,” Blaine sighed. “Kurt and I are definitely going through a rough patch at the moment. Some stuff we didn’t think was an issue suddenly was, and well… we’re human.”

“But we wanted to make this video to put your fears to rest,” Kurt continued. “We’ve talked it out and we’re going to work through this. We love each other too much to walk away from our relationship.”

“We had no idea that living together was going to be so difficult,” Blaine continued, “but we’re determined to make it through this. We know that with your help and support, we can do anything.”

“And we also wanted to take a moment to kind of refute some of the things that have been printed about us the last few days.” Blaine glanced at Kurt, who turned around his laptop so those watching the video could see.

“No, neither one of us cheated,” Kurt began, pointing at the screen. “This is New York and we’re both in show business. I can throw a stick and hit at least three gay guys. Doesn’t mean we’re sneaking around with any of them.”

“No, we have not nor will we ever have any kind of fights where the cops are called,” Blaine picked up where Kurt had left off. He’d nearly choked when he’d seen that article. “And no, neither of us were arrested, as the NYPD can attest to. I could never, ever hurt Kurt that way.”

“Right back at ya,” Kurt told him, smiling softly. “And finally, Blaine and I were not abducted by aliens and no, I’m not pregnant,” Kurt finished. Blaine couldn’t help but giggle at those two. They’d thrown them in for some light hearted humor.

“Thank you to everyone who’s loved us and supported us through this. I know we’ll come out stronger because of it.” Blaine leaned over and pressed a soft kiss on Kurt’s lips before clicking off the camera.

He took a deep breath.

Kurt smiled at him. “Let’s go start a riot.”







#i can’t

I aced that fucking midterm this morning and now this video, DEAR GOD I’M ACTUALLY SMILING


rating: nc-17, authors/artists: s, genre: au, length: series, genre: angst, genre: romance, media: fic, length: multi-part

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