Fic: "I would die for you, but I would not live for you."

Dec 26, 2013 13:53

Media: Fic
Title: "I would die for you, but I would not live for you."
Pairing: Kurt and Blaine.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Fluffy, sexual content.
Summary: AU It's the wedding of Kurt and Blaine...but what will happen if Blaine doesn't show up?


It's a beautiful day, the birds are singing, the flowers looks more radiants, the smell of fresh air it's the most wonderful thing in the whole world, in any other day Kurt would not repair in those things, but today, oh today, it's the day of his wedding, with the man of his dreams, Blaine, gorgeous Blaine, with his cute smile, his cute hair, his cute face, his cute everthing, even the eyebrows looks cute today.

For months, Kurt prepare this wedding, he said from the start that he did not want somebody else doing something that he knows from the age of 6. It was months of stress, making sure that everybody and everything looks perfect, even the most little things, because it's in the little things that we see perfection. People would say to him: "Don't stress too much, the wedding it's just for one day." But Kurt would not accept this: "This is my dream and I will make sure that everthing makes me believe that my dream it's becoming reality."

So he found a dark blue suit, with a white shirt, it's like finding the perfect wedding dress but for men's, because when Kurt found this beautiful suit that make his eye's looks more beautifully, he started to cry, of course, but he also see him going to Blaine with his dad next to him, on his wedding, with every eyes looking at him, because that is something that he is looking foward, and especially Blaine looking at him, like he is the most beautiful thing in the world, something that he always does when he looks at Kurt.

They decide to one day before the wedding they didn't see each other, so they stay in the same hotel, but in different hotel rooms, and they would get ready separate, because that's like "rules" in the world of the weddings.

And that's where Kurt found himself, getting ready for his big day, thinking about the day that Blaine propose, when his dad was taking him he already knew what was happening and for one moment he was thinking about saying no, because let's be honest they were too young and married was the last thing he was thinking in the moment, but when he finally get there and saw all the music, and his friends, and his family, and especially when Blaine did that beautiful speech, he knew that this was the guy he wanted to spend the rest of his life, so why wait? Why wait for something that he already knew he wanted forever? So that's how Burt found his son, smiling he said: "Hey kiddo, are you done? It's only 10 minutes before the wedding start.."

"I know dad, but I was just thinking.."

"Oh my God son, you are not having second thoughts, right?"

"Dad, please, of course not, I was thinking how lucky I am, having Blaine to spend the rest of our lives together. I'm so happy dad, he's everything I was looking for, he make me so good about myself, he make me believe that I'm worth...OMG if I continue I'm gonna cry.." - said Kurt with his eyes glassy and with a huge smile on his face.

Burt seeing this scene, takes his son in his arms and say: "Son, you don't know how happy I am to see you like this, to see you in this day, your mom is definitely proud of you, to the person you became and I'm proud too. You always gonna be my little kid and I hope you and Blaine have a beatiful life together, now it's the wedding but later your gonna have kids a start a new family and I'm always gonna be there to you, no matter what. I love you. And Blaine is a great kid, but he also the lucky one, for having you in his life."

Kurt sniffles a little and a few tears fall down, he looks up to his dad: "I love you too and you are the best dad. Now let's do this."

Burt laughs and take his son downstairs where his friends and family are waiting. When Mercedes and Rachel see him they say in union: "OMG Kurt, you look stunnig!"

"Thank you girls, you too look real good too, just like my two bridesmaids should look. So let's get start already."

"No can't do Kurt, Blaine is not here yet.. I'm sure he's still getting dressed, especially with the hair.." - Said Sam, winking and smirking.

"And they say I'm the one who always late for getting dressed" - Said Kurt laughing and making the others laugh too - "But that's ok, let's wait.."

5 hours later...

Kurt was sitting in one of the benches, with his eyes red from crying, and his head on his dad shoulder, with Carol and all his friends next to him trying to confort him:

"Im so sorry honey..." Said Carol

"I'm so sorry Kurt.." - Said Rachel crying too.

"If you want I can punch him in the face for you." - Puck said with his fists ready to beat something or better someone.

"Look, I know the what he did is wrong, but punch him it's not gonna solve any of this, it's not worth it. We just have to make Kurt feel better." - Said Sam trying to make things right.

"No, Puck is right, I'm gonna go all Lima Heighs with that hobbit.." - Said Santana screaming and fist bump with Puck, the two making plans to how take Blaine down.

"Guys, c'mon, Sam is right, this is not worth it. I'm so sorry Kurt, I don't know what you are feeling, but I hope you know that I'm here for you, everybody is here for you.." - Mercedes said trying to confort her best friend.

"Dolphin, I hope you smile again soon, I don't like seeing you cry.." - Brittany said with a few tears of her own falling down.






And that's when Kurt finally has enough: "STOP, EVERYBODY STOP!"

Everybody stops the argument in that moment and looks at Kurt, even Burt look at him with wide eyes: "I know that you guys are trying to confort me, but right now I just want to go back to my hotel room e cry myself to sleep. My fiance didn't shown up and I'm feeling like it's all my fault, even if I know that it's not. But I have to be alone for a few hours to think and then tomorrow I'm gonna wake up with a new day and start my life all over again without him. But thank you so much guys, and dad and Carol. I love you guys so much, but right now I'm gonna upstairs."

"That's ok son, we gonna respect that, but if you need something you call. And I know how strong you are and don't forget how much I love you." - Said his dad giving him a big hug.

"Ok Dad, thank you. I love you too.. Bye guys and thank you one more time. - Said Kurt leaving.

"I hope he find himself again.." - Carol said with her arms around her husband.

"That Blaine guy it's not a good guy after all..." - Said Burt and everyone couldn't agree with him more.

In Kurt hotel room..

Kurt was lying on his bed, crying and thinking: "how could he do this to me? Why me? If he doesn't love me anymore why didn't he say something? Is he hates me so much? Why? Why? Why? That's when he hear a knock on the door and stands up: "Guys, I already told that I want to be alone, ple..." - Kurt doesn't finish the sentence because he is looking with wide eyes to the other person.

"Kurt, we need to talk!"

"I have nothing to talk to you, you leave me Blaine on our wedding, no the other way, so please go away and never talk to me again." - Said Kurt trying to close the door, but Blaine was holding her with his feet.

"So you don't wanna know why I didn't shown up?"

....... tantantan.....Continue...

P.S. So sorry for the bad english, I'm from Brasil haha :)
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