(FIC) I'll Be Under The Mistletoe

Dec 22, 2013 22:43

I wrote holiday fic that (I hope) will get you in the Christmas spirit! Happy holidays, everyone :)

Title: I'll Be Under The Mistletoe
Author: tieshirtblazer
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine
Word Count: ~3.5k
Rating: PG-13 for Part 1, NC-17 for Part 2
Summary: (Kurt, Blaine, and mistletoe.) Kurt isn’t very well-versed in holiday traditions, and Blaine’s life is exceedingly difficult, until it isn’t. (December 2010 vs. December 2013.)

Teaser: Today, Kurt is decked out in fabulous holiday gear; a glittering red sweater with a reindeer brooch, unbelievably tight green skinny jeans, a candy-cane striped belt, and a-wait a second, is that a-

Blaine does a quick double-take, looking up at Kurt’s smiling face and then glancing back down again and-yes, yes indeed, Kurt Hummel has an actual, honest-to-god sprig of mistletoe hanging casually from his belt, like it isn’t shattering Blaine’s mind to pieces, sending all of his innocent trains of thought colliding into each other in a massive explosion, leaving behind only the most unacceptable and decidedly non-platonic fantasies in their places...

(( Read on AO3. ))

rating: nc-17, genre: fluff, genre: smut, genre: humor, length: one-shot, media: fanfic, media: fic

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