Fic: Now's Your Chance (2/?)

Nov 06, 2013 20:36

Media: Fic
Verse: Chance Verse
Title: Now's Your Chance
Author: slayerkitty
Characters/Pairings: Klaine, Background Finchel, Cooper Anderson, The Anderson Family, Various Misc Canon Characters Through Season 4 (including Chandler, Adam and Sebastian).
Genre: AU, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Meta (Lots of it), Inaccuracies with regards to film/television industry, Inaccuracies with living in New York, Infidelity (not Kurt or Blaine),
Rating: NC-17 (Overall)
Spoilers: 5.02
Word Count: This Chapter: 2,374/Total: 27,004(so far)
Disclaimer: Glee and its characters are not mine. I'm just playing with them. The songs are not mine either.
Summary: The perfect dream. The perfect life. Or what happens when Kurt and Blaine realize that everyday life continues once your dreams come true.

Author’s Note: So this is the third story in the "Chance" series. You'll need to have read An Accidental Chance and Chances Are for this one to make any sense. For a long time, I said that I was done with this verse. I had burned myself out and wasn't sure I wanted to come back to it, no matter how much I love it. Finally, after much discussion with my betas and an itch to write something, I decided that was going to come back here, to finish out Kurt and Blaine's story in this verse. I mean, Cooper Anderson didn't even exist when I started writing these!! :D

There's a lot(I mean A LOT)of meta here. Fandom tropes, in jokes, and real life cast member events may be twisted to suit my purposes for this fic (except for what happened with Cory. That will not happen in any way in this verse and Finn is very much alive, if in the background, for those that need that warning). As a whole, it's largely an AU of season four. Warnings and ratings may vary by chapter.

If you want progress updates, or want to leave me a prompt for this verse, my tumblr is here. I am tentatively accepting prompts again, so hit me up!

So many, many thanks to imaginentertain and star55 for being my betas on this, and putting up with my whining, my second guessing and my comma abuse.

Previous Chapters: 1

Kurt visits Blaine on set.

Well this is just adorable and squee worthy and JFC that KISS.

Help #I can’t

Still shocked they did this

They had to know we’d see it. There’s a million cameras on them.


I love that they don’t care who sees them kiss.

Eatingpopcorn.gif #watching the haters lose their shit


Because it was needed to shut up the fandom drama: have a post that examines the kissing scenes between Joby vs Blaine kissing Kurt.

*fans self* I’ll be in my bunk

Welp. It’s obvious how much more passionate the Klaine kisses are. OTP forever.

Oh, God, we’re just going to wank about this for days, aren’t we?

Error: We’ll be back shortly.

FUCK. We broke Tumblr.


True to his word, Finn was packing up and getting ready to move out before the week was over. Kurt didn’t know what to think about that, if he was honest. Finn and Rachel’s relationship could be volatile and he couldn’t imagine them living together.

On the other hand, Kurt would be well and truly alone with Blaine from now on. That was a good thought, and he smiled as he helped Finn put things in various boxes.

He and Rachel weren’t going far - just one stop up on the subway - but Kurt was going to miss his brother.
“So you and Blaine are going to be alone after this weekend,” Finn said, glancing at him.

“And?” Kurt replied, arching at eyebrow at Finn. He wasn’t sure what his brother was getting at. Finn was just giving him a look and then Kurt made a choking sound. “Oh, my God, Finn. Are you asking me if Blaine and I have sex?”

Finn shrugged. “We don’t really talk about that stuff much. Brothers do that.”

“Not us,” Kurt insisted. “I am not discussing my sex life with you.”

“But you do have one,” Finn replied, grinning.

“Blaine and I share a bedroom, Finn,” Kurt pointed out. “What do you think we’re doing in there?”

“It’s not like I sit and imagine it, dude,” Finn said. “I just… you guys are happy, right?”

“What brought this on?” Kurt wondered.

Finn shrugged. “Rachel said that you guys living together after a long distance relationship for a year and a half might be a struggle.”

“Blaine and I are fine,” Kurt insisted. “I promise. You can go move in with Rachel and not worry about me and Blaine.”

“Cool.” Finn grinned. “Though the offer to discuss sex is there, if you want. I could give you some tips.”

Kurt’s face was as red as the pants he was wearing. “I’m good, Finn, but thank you,” he choked out. “Honest.”

“Awesome.” Finn scratched something onto the box in front of him with a black marker and Kurt crossed his fingers that would be the end of that mortifying conversation.


Moving day dawned bright and early. Blaine was glad he was generally an early riser because otherwise he’d be dragging ass like some of the guys he’d recruited to help.

Nick looked half asleep, curled up on the sofa as they waited for Finn to arrive with the moving truck. Rachel and Kurt were talking in low tones - Finn had already been to her dorm and loaded up her things. Jeff was filming everything on his phone, and Blaine was pretty sure that portions of the day’s events would end up online at some point.

Moving didn’t take that long - they loaded up the van, drove over as a group and then proceeded to make repeated trips up to Finn and Rachel’s one bedroom apartment. She and Kurt directed where everything should go in between talk of how Rachel should decorate it.

Finally though, Blaine and Kurt arrived back at their condo, blissfully alone.

“I am never moving again,” Blaine whined, slumping down onto the sofa. “Ever.”

“Oh?” Kurt asked, his eyebrow arching. “Too bad.”

“Why’s that?” Blaine wanted to know, turning his head to look at Kurt.

Kurt tugged at his t-shirt, raising it slowly, exposing his abdomen as he did so. Blaine’s mouth went dry and he could only stare. “I was going to take a shower.” he began, his tone light, his chain raised. “I was thinking you could join me…”

With that, Kurt pulled his shirt all the way off and let it slide to the floor, turning to head down the hall to the bathroom.

Blaine had never moved so fast in his life.



Friends help you move.

#Real friends help you move bodies #shhh #we don’t talk about that



I can’t take this




Kurt groaned, collapsing to the bed in a heap. “I think I pulled every muscle in my body.”

“You’re welcome,” Blaine panted, grinning. Kurt shot him a glare. “Is that a ‘nay’ on shower sex?”

“That’s a ‘we should probably save it for a day where we haven’t been moving boxes all day after a week of intense dance classes,’” Kurt replied. He leaned up after a second of silence between then. “Is it stupid that I just realized we live alone now? Like, really, truly alone?”

“I thought we discussed that before our shower,” Blaine said.

“No, I mean - it’s like I just realized. There are no parents, no annoying brothers or best friends hanging out.” Kurt looked over at Blaine again. “We’re completely alone. It’s just you and me now.”

Blaine leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of Kurt’s nose. Kurt’s eyes closed reflexively and he shivered at the feel of Blaine’s warm breath on his face.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Blaine told him. “It’s you and me forever.”

“Oh?” Kurt said, raising his eyebrows. “Are you so sure now?” He made sure there was a teasing tone to his voice.

“Uh huh,” Blaine answered, his hand picking up Kurt’s left and locking their fingers together. “You’re still wearing my promise ring.”

Kurt let out a playful gasp. “So I am.” He smiled softly. “What do you think our future will be like?”

“Well,” Blaine began, “after you’re done lighting up Broadway and I’ve had a few blockbuster movies under my belt, I figure we’ll retire to Provincetown and start an artist colony and buy a lighthouse or something.”

Kurt scrunched up his nose. “A lighthouse?”

“Yeah,” Blaine said, “on our own private island, where we can run around naked.”

“Okay, lighthouse, check,” Kurt murmured, feeling slightly lightheaded at the images playing in his head. “But no sex on the beach - the last thing we need is sand in bad places.” Blaine laughed and Kurt couldn’t help but join in. He supposed he ought to feel freaked out or nervous - after all, Blaine was discussing their forever and they were so young - but Kurt didn’t. He knew, beyond a doubt, that he’d never love anyone the way he loved Blaine.


“Blaine, darling,” where the first words he heard when Blaine answered his phone. It was early morning, judging by the light.

“Jules,” Blaine greeted, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. “What’s up?”

“Got a request for you,” she told him. “Actually for you and Kurt.”

“Oh?” He sat up, glancing at Kurt who was still sacked out. The sheet was barely covering the perfection that was Kurt’s ass, and Blaine nearly missed Julie’s next words as a result.

“They want you and Kurt to sing at Trevor Live,” Julie told him.

“You’re kidding?” Blaine couldn’t believe it. He’d done it before, the last two years. He was surprised they wanted Kurt along - not because Kurt was a terrible singer or anything, but because Kurt wasn’t in show business (yet) and it was atypical of them to ask. The whole point of Trevor Live was to attract donations and they did that by getting celebrities to perform.

“Nope,” Julie confirmed. “Get back to me if you two want to do it.”

Blaine promised he would and hung up.

“What’s going on?” Kurt asked in a sleepy voice.

“Sorry,” Blaine murmured. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Who was on the phone?” Kurt asked, rolling over, pulling the sheet up a little higher. Even though they’d been living together for a bit now, they’d never slept naked before and Blaine wondered if Kurt was uncomfortable with the idea (he hadn’t seemed it the night before, but it was daylight now).

“Julie,” Blaine answered. “She was calling to let me know that we’ve been asked to sing at Trevor Live.”

“That’s great,” Kurt mumbled and then yawned. “You should do it.”

“Kurt,” Blaine chuckled. “She means both of us. You and me both.”

“They want both of us?” Kurt sat up, staring at him in surprise. Blaine nodded.

“So,” Blaine said after a moment. “What do you think?”

“I think we have a song to rehearse.”


This just in! Blaine and Kurt have been announced as performers at Trevor Live!!!


I can’t

Oh man

The songs I want them to do. I wonder if they’ll do something from the show?

I hope it’s something else - I love the songs the show uses, but they should do something that fits them.

SEE? Perfect example of Kurt using Blaine to get ahead.



Kurt had wasted no time since Blaine had given him the news. He immediately set about compiling a list of different songs and running them passed Blaine throughout the remainder of their lazy Sunday.

He was determined that his first public performance would be spectacular. The audience at Trevor Live would definitely get their money’s worth, if he had anything to say about it.

So he’d devised a plan - Rachel and Finn were going to meet up with them at Callbacks. They needed the practice, plus it would help them work through some of the songs they might choose.

Rachel and Finn were already waiting on them when Kurt and Blaine arrived. Kurt directed their way through the crowd, joining Finn and Rachel. They made small talk and discussed song choices until it was their turn to take the stage. Rachel was excited that he was getting to perform (though he could hear some underlying jealousy in her voice as well), and Kurt felt a momentary pang.

He excused himself to get drinks for everyone, and took a deep breath as he walked away. It wasn’t his fault that Rachel wasn’t invited to perform. Hell, he’d never in his wildest dreams (okay, maybe his wildest, but certainly not his normal dreams) expected he’d be performing at Trevor Live this soon in his career.

He put in an order for four diet sodas and scooped them up precariously when they were ready. He turned and stopped short, eyes widening when he realized he’d nearly taken out Adam, the guy he’d met the other day.

“Kurt,” Adam said.

“Adam, hi,” Kurt replied, surprised.

“Can I give you a hand?” Adam asked. Kurt blinked at him for a second.

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” he told him, handing two of the glasses to Adam to carry. They made their way through the crowded bar and finally ended up at their table. Rachel and Finn were talking quietly, but Blaine was missing.
“Adam,” Kurt began as they reached the table and set the drinks down, “This is my brother, Finn, and his girlfriend and my best friend, Rachel. Guys, this is Adam Crawford, he’s a senior at NYADA.”

Finn and Rachel exchanged greetings with Adam. “Where’s Blaine?” Kurt asked.

“Oh, you know Blaine,” Rachel chirped, giggling a little. She pointed to the stage where Blaine was seated in front of the piano, getting ready to speak.

Kurt’s mouth fell open as he met Blaine’s gaze. Blaine just grinned and then started to speak. “Hi, everyone,” Blaine started. He smiled brightly. “I just wanted to take a moment to sing something to the love of my life. It’s actually a song that we like to sing to each other in the car.”

Kurt could feel his face turning red. Rachel was cooing and Finn was elbowing him. He could feel Adam’s eyes on him briefly.

“So, Kurt, this is for you.” Blaine launched into a jazzy, slowed down version of “Perfect” by P!nk.

Kurt couldn’t take his eyes off Blaine as he sang. He barely registered it when Adam excused himself from the table, Kurt’s gaze never wavering. When Blaine finished, Kurt was the first one up, rushing across the room to plant a hard kiss on Blaine’s lips.

“You liked it?” Blaine murmured over the catcalls of the crowd.

“I loved it,” Kurt replied. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Blaine whispered. “Should we sing a song together now?”

Kurt shook his head, pulling Blaine away from the stage. “I want you to take me home,” he said.

“What about…” Blaine trailed off, his eyes widening. “Okay,” he agreed.

They waved a quick goodbye to Finn and Rachel before hailing a cab back to their condo. The drive back was tense as they did their level best to keep their hands off of each other (that would be the last thing they’d want to see in the tabloids), and when they finally stumbled in through the front door, they made it no farther than the living room before clothes started coming off.

“I heartily support the purchase of this couch,” Blaine told Kurt, as they cuddled in post-coital bliss. Blaine had been resistant to the new couch since Kurt had bought it - their first one had had to be replaced after a superglue incident with Nick and Jeff.

“Knew you’d see it my way,” Kurt agreed, breathless.

They settled down into sleep and Kurt smiled. It was indeed a damn good couch.

rating: nc-17, authors/artists: s, genre: au, media: fanfic, length: series, genre: angst, genre: humor, genre: romance, media: fic, length: multi-part

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