Title: Sessions
Author: lovely_sparkle
Characters: Kurt, Blaine, brief mentions of Rachel
Rating: hard R overall, this chapter PG-13
Word Count: ~21000 overall, this part 1702
Spoilers: none
Warnings: flashbacks, panic attacks, nightmares, PTSD, and a big one that is revealed over the course of the story. PLEASE PM ME IF YOU HAVE TRIGGERS and want to know upfront what it is, because the discussion of it is eventually intense. Also I must warn that there's no happy ending here, but there may be a sequel.
Summary: AU. Kurt goes to see a therapist at the insistence of Rachel and is surprised to discover it's none other than Blaine Anderson, his former best friend and high school crush. Blaine tells Kurt he can't treat him, but what enfolds is something neither could have predicted: a chance for healing for them both.
Tumblr- ask me a question! Masterlist Chapter 6: Selective Mutism