Fic: Chasing All Our Dreams... | Chapter Two

May 28, 2013 01:38

Author: jlneveloff (daysofsilence at tumblr)
Genre: Drama, Angst, Romance, AU, Future Fic
Characters/Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Rachel, Santana, Tina, Cooper, Isabelle Wright (with potential plans for others to appear such as Artie, Finn, Sam, and Burt)
Beta: slwmtiondaylite (tumblr)
Rating: up to NC-17 (each chapter is individually rated)
Spoilers: everything through season 4 is fair game
Warnings: Language, explicit sexual situations, effeminophobia, homophobia, nosy roommates who say offensive things, and the potential for the occasional plot hole...and angst...
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. Sadly.

Summary: While Kurt still struggled to make it onto Broadway, Blaine followed his brother's footsteps to the silver screen. When Kurt receives an opportunity he didn't expect, he's torn between easy success and where his heart truly lies. Blaine learns the hard way that success in Hollywood can sometimes mean becoming a pawn in the plans of more powerful people and that it can come with an unexpected price...

Chapter Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual situations
Chapter Word Count: 8913
Previous Chapters

Author's Notes: I want to apologize for taking so long to update. There’s not really an excuse other than general distraction (I did a fanvideo for example) and well… to be frank, procrastination. And not much really happens in this chapter… despite the length of the chapter. I have charged my sister with making sure I stayed focused this time because I really want to bring Cooper into the story ASAP… and he makes his first appearance in chapter 3 :)

Read Chapter 2 at LJ
Read at tumblr

rating: nc-17, authors/artists: j, genre: au, media: fanfic, genre: romance, genre: angst, length: multi-part

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