I know I shouldn't be surprised but lol at the fact that they are only just learning the set list and what songs they will do just before the competition! Jeez *head desk*
I'm not a big fan of the Brittany storyline especially since it means bringing back Santana who really shouldn't be and the whole juxtaposition of of Brittany is really smart...but she also an incredibly stupid girl who believes in Santa Claus and having sex with somebody else while dating is not cheating if the plumbing is different. By this description too this sounds like the majority of the episode :/ If this is Heather leaving the show for good though I guess it's good she actually gets a storyline from this, and I guess the Santana aspect will give Brittana fans closure.
I still think Wemma might be getting married or engaged but it also sounds like the mentors are too. Would they have two engagements in one episode? Did Finchel and Wemma get engaged at the same time? Can't remember...defo won't be Klaine though I'm sure. In fact I'm leaning more towards they don't get back together at all, maybe a cliffhanger, but it won't be until series 5 :(
On the one hand I like that Blaine isn't discouraged by the naysayers and it's something more personal that stops him but I really hope the "you are too young" is the reason that gets spilled out. I think Burt will be negative mainly because well...Blaine and Kurt aren't together but I do hope he won't use Blaine's age as another reason. Other naysayers I'm guessing are Sam and Tina...
So who are the ones refusing to perform? Tina seems likely for the reason that she isn't given a solo and therefore will be pissed (she has done just this before) and I think Ryder as well over the catfish stuff.
Not interested in Rachel since that will probably be the cliffhanger anyway.
I'm not a big fan of the Brittany storyline especially since it means bringing back Santana who really shouldn't be and the whole juxtaposition of of Brittany is really smart...but she also an incredibly stupid girl who believes in Santa Claus and having sex with somebody else while dating is not cheating if the plumbing is different. By this description too this sounds like the majority of the episode :/ If this is Heather leaving the show for good though I guess it's good she actually gets a storyline from this, and I guess the Santana aspect will give Brittana fans closure.
I still think Wemma might be getting married or engaged but it also sounds like the mentors are too. Would they have two engagements in one episode? Did Finchel and Wemma get engaged at the same time? Can't remember...defo won't be Klaine though I'm sure. In fact I'm leaning more towards they don't get back together at all, maybe a cliffhanger, but it won't be until series 5 :(
On the one hand I like that Blaine isn't discouraged by the naysayers and it's something more personal that stops him but I really hope the "you are too young" is the reason that gets spilled out. I think Burt will be negative mainly because well...Blaine and Kurt aren't together but I do hope he won't use Blaine's age as another reason. Other naysayers I'm guessing are Sam and Tina...
So who are the ones refusing to perform? Tina seems likely for the reason that she isn't given a solo and therefore will be pissed (she has done just this before) and I think Ryder as well over the catfish stuff.
Not interested in Rachel since that will probably be the cliffhanger anyway.
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