Media: Fic
Title: This Ridiculous Obsession with Love (Ch 7: Your Song)
Rating: R
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine endgame, not entirely past Blaine/Sebastian, Kurt/Will Schuester, background Santana/Brittany and Tina/Mike
Warnings for whole story: Prostitution, dub-con, attempted non-con and mention of past non-con, some unsafe sex, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, and violence. Nothing warned for is graphic. Attitudes expressed by various characters do not reflect the author’s.
Word Count: 3,818 for this chapter.
Summary: Kurt came to New York to get discovered, not fall in love. By mistaking a sex worker for the Broadway producer he was supposed to meet Kurt’s elaborate plans to become a star get thrown off course. A Moulin Rouge-inspired AU.
Author’s Note: While this is technically a work in progress, a draft of everything is written. I'm posting chapters as they're edited. You don't need to worry about it never ending if you're the type of person who worries about that.
Chapter Index
On Scarves and Coffee /
On AO3 Chapter 7: Your Song
On Scarves and Coffee /
On AO3