Fic: The Failpire Chronicles (Part 5)

Jan 09, 2013 18:52

Title: The Failpire Chronicles
Author: airgeer
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine
Rating: R
Warnings: blood, violence, character death (Kurt and Blaine)
Wordcount: 4700 this part, 23500 so far

Summary: Things that Kurt thought he’d be doing by 25: Broadway, married, etc, etc. Things that he was doing at seventeen: Having his throat torn out by his recently murdered boyfriend and waking up a vampire. Yay.

Previous (on lj): Part One, Part Two, Part ThreePart Four

Part Five: On LJ | On AO3

authors/artists: a, genre: humor, genre: au, media: fanfic, genre: angst, length: multi-part, rating: r

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