Visitors (or A Kurt Hummel Christmas Carol)

Jan 03, 2013 12:57


I meant to finish this for Christmas, but, as you can see, it didn't happen. I hope you'll enjoy it, even if it is over a week late!

Visitors (or A Kurt Hummel Christmas Carol)

Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Blaine/Sebastian, Blaine/OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: References to character death (if you’re familiar with A Christmas Carol, it won’t be shocking).
Spoilers: Through 4x10
Word Count: 21,000+
Summary: It’s been a long time since Christmas has been anything more than an annoyance to Kurt Hummel. One Christmas Eve, on the verge of achieving his dreams, he receives a series of ghostly visitors who call into question the worth of his sacrifices. In other words, exactly what’s in the title. :)
Author's Note: I have a few issues with the way the writers have been treating Kurt’s side of things recently, and this will likely be apparent. No characters you recognize belong to me. No music at all belongs to me.

Part 1 at my Livejournal

authors/artists: d, rating: pg-13, genre: angst

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