Title: The Paper Menagerie
Author: lovely_sparkle
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine, with “appearances” from Puck, Rachel, Sam, Mercedes, and Santana
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none
Warnings: none
Summary: A series of 17 paper-based items, all reflecting a moment in the life of future, married Kurt and Blaine.
A/N: I suppose this qualifies as fanart. These will be posted one at a time to Kurt and Blaine's refrigerator, aka my tumblr, which you can find
here. The first one is now up. I will add a new item two or three times a week, and will periodically post reminders here on LJ that more are up. So you can either follow me over there or wait for the updates here, whichever works best. I had a lot of fun creating these items and it was a different type of project for me, so I hope you enjoy looking at them!
A/N 2: It should be noted that Kurt's handwriting is always black and in script, and Blaine's is always green in small uppercase letters.