Another New Arrival

Sep 27, 2012 19:28

Media: Fanfic

Author: Agent_girlsname

Title: Another New Arrival

Rating: PG

Summary: Kurt and Blaine adopt a son, adding to their happy little family, but their daughter Amelia is having a hard time adjusting.

Written for sayuri_rose_k who prompted: Daddy!Klaine adopt a son named Shiloh, therefore making Amelia a big sister. Amelia has a hard time adjusting.

Note: Amelia calls both her Daddy’s ‘Daddy’ and the last part is from her perspective, so it can be a bit confusing, stay with me though ;)

Kurt stood by the large bay windows of his home in Westchester, watching out for the cab that would be brining his father and Carole from the airport. The curtains were drawn back slightly so he could see down the street and he leaned against the wall, holding the small bundle in his arms tighter to his chest.

He looked down at his son sleeping soundly against his chest and smiled, sighing contently.

Shiloh was four days old, he was still pink and a little wrinkly and still stayed mostly in a curled foetal position with his legs curled up to his chest.

Kurt loved him, he was perfect.

‘There’re not going to arrive any quicker just because you’re watching for them.’ Blaine smiled, brushing as much of Amelia’s bushy hair in to two bunches as he could. Amelia squirmed, wanting to get to the window and look out for her Grandparents with Daddy.

‘I know, I just can’t wait for them to get here and meet Shiloh, they’re going to love him.’ Kurt grinned, restraining himself from bouncing on the spot and jostling the sleeping baby.

‘I want Grandpa to play with me when he gets here.’ Amelia said, pulling away from Blaine and joining Kurt at the window. ‘I can show him how I ride my bike.’

‘Of course you can sweetheart, I think Grandpa and Grandma might want to rest for a little while when they get here though, ok?’ Blaine said, picking Amelia up so she could see better out of the window.

‘And later I can bake some cookies with Grandma can’t I?’

‘Uh huh. Oh I think that’s their cab.’ Blaine said, bouncing Amelia on his hip as a cab pulled on to their drive. ‘Why don’t you help them in with their bags sweetheart?’

‘Yay!’ Amelia scrambled to get down from her Daddy’s arms and ran to the front door, yanking it open excitedly. Together Kurt and Blaine watched Burt and Carole gather their bags from the trunk, Carole placing her handbag into Amelia’s care as they bought the rest in.

‘Do you think she’ll be better with them here?’ Blaine asked Kurt quietly.

‘I hope so. I didn’t think she’d be taking it this badly.’ Kurt replied.

They had taken Amelia with them to the hospital when Shiloh was ready to be brought home. At first she had been excited, cooing over the baby and stroking his hair gently. But as soon as they were settled at home and she realised Shiloh wasn’t something she could play with she lost interest.

Kurt and Blaine had been expecting that, they had done as much as they could to prepare Amelia for the new addition to their family but over the following days Amelia began to act out.

Even though they had made sure to pay as much attention to her as possible as soon as they started to dote on Shiloh she would get mad. Tantrums had been thrown, cups broken and toys stamped on. Every time she did that it earned her a time out and Kurt was worried that was just making things worse.

But with the arrival of his parents Kurt hoped she would be distracted from Shiloh and begin to get used to him.

‘Hi Dad, hi Carole.’ He grinned as his dad and step mom walked through the front door, Amelia in tow carrying Carole’s handbag as if it were the most precious thing on earth.

‘Hi Blaine, hi Kurt.’ They replied, giving Blaine a hug before walking over to Kurt, peering into the swaddle of blankets.

‘This is Shiloh, Shiloh, say hi to your Grandparents.’

‘Oh he’s so tiny.’ Carole cooed, running her finger along Shiloh’s tiny dimpled knuckles.

‘I know, Amelia wasn’t even this small when we brought her home.’ Kurt agreed. They had agreed to adopt Shiloh months before he was even born, signing contracts with the pregnant woman who was giving up her baby. Amelia had already been six weeks old when they had adopted her.

‘Still scary at this size?’ Burt teased, recalling the conversation he had had with Kurt when they had first gotten Amelia.

‘Yeah, still terrifying.’ Kurt laughed. ‘Do you want to hold him?’ He passed his new son gently over to Burt.

‘No, Grandpa needs to give me a cuddle.’ Amelia demanded, tugging at Burt’s pant leg.

‘Grandpa is meeting Shiloh Amelia, I told you how this was going to happen and you promised to be a good girl remember?’ Blaine said, trying to pick her up to be cuddled, but Amelia struggled away.

‘But he’s my Grandpa.’ She shouted, stamping her foot. That was a new thing; foot stamping hadn’t been part of Amelia’s repertoire until a few days ago.

‘Here Amelia, we bought you some presents, why don’t you come and open them now?’ Carole said, picking up her handbag from where Amelia had put it on the floor and pulling out a small wrapped bundle.

‘No, I don’t want presents.’ Amelia slapped away Carole’s hand; clearly upset at not being the centre of attention and too far gone into tantrum mode to realise she was refusing gifts.

‘Amelia Hummel-Anderson that is enough.’ Kurt said sternly. ‘You are being very rude and that is not acceptable. You’re having a time out.’ He picked up his daughter and carried her in to the kitchen. The three adults in the living could hear the large intake of breath that without a doubt would result in a screaming fit.

Blaine sighed.

‘We’ve talked her through this, we’ve bought her presents and she’s getting more attention now than before Shiloh even arrived. She just doesn’t like him being here.’ He said.

‘Can’t help you there kid, I only ever had Kurt.’ Burt said, through all the drama of his granddaughter’s tantrum he couldn’t help but smile down at his new grandson.

‘The books all say to give it time.’

‘Then give it time Blaine. I know it seems hard but she’ll come around. She just needs to realise she’s a big sister now and she has responsibilities.’

Blaine nodded.

‘So is Shiloh as good as Amelia was at not crying?’ Carole asked, stroked her palm over Shiloh’s soft, dark curls. Amelia hadn’t cried much when she was a baby, choosing instead to make faces and frustrated noises. Blaine briefly wondered if she was making up for it now judging by the sounds coming from the kitchen.

‘Dear God no, this one screams half the state down when he’s hungry. I hope neither of you were planning on sleeping while you stay here.’ Blaine smiled. He thought they had been very spoiled by having Amelia first, he hadn’t realised just how much noise such a small baby could make.


Amelia lay under her bed on her stomach, kicking at the base of the bed with her feet and playing with Zig Zag the zebra and Mrs. Iron Man.

She could hear Daddy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa downstairs, all laughing and having fun playing without her. She didn’t want to go downstairs and join them though. The Baby was down there.

She didn’t like The Baby.

Her Daddies had promised her it would be fun to have The Baby but Amelia didn’t think it was very fun. The Baby was loud and smelled sometimes and she couldn’t even play with it.

The Baby kept her up at night and it meant less time playing with her Daddies.

She wanted The Baby to go back.

But Daddy had said The Baby was here to stay and Amelia wasn’t happy about that.

She heard her bedroom door open and footsteps walking over to her bed. She hoped whoever it was would go away; they’d probably make her try to cuddle The Baby again.

She looked out from under her bed and saw Daddy sitting on the floor, holding his arms out to her.

‘Come on Amelia, I know you’re upset, but you can still give me a cuddle can’t you?’

Amelia sighed as dramatically as a five year old could and scrambled out from under the bed. She would probably need to get as many cuddles in as she could before The Baby stole them all away from her.

She let Daddy hold her close and bought her hands up to play with the hair at the base of his neck, as dark and curly as her own.

‘I don’t want The Baby here anymore.’ She said, tears prickling at her eyes. She was too tired to start screaming again and she would only get another time out anyway.

‘I know sweetheart, but he’s here to stay. He won’t be that small or loud for long, I promise. Then you can play with him like you play with your cousins.’

Amelia pondered this, she did like playing with her cousins, and maybe The Baby would be fun to play with. But that didn’t help with her other concern.

‘But you and Daddy won’t love me as much anymore.’ She mumbled in to Daddy’s shoulder.

She felt Daddy hold her closer.

‘We will always love you Amelia, I promise.’ Daddy said. ‘We can love both of you the same amount. Just like you love Zig Zag and Mrs Iron Man; you wouldn’t want to give either of them up would you?’

Amelia thought about it seriously. No, she decided, she wouldn’t want to give either of them up. She loved them both a lot.

‘And Shiloh is your little brother. You have to look after him now.’

‘I do?’

‘Uh huh, you have to help Daddy and I protect him and you have to teach him how to play baseball, seeing as you’re the best baseball player in the house.’

‘Can I teach him to play jump rope as well?’

‘Of course you can. And do you know what else you can teach him?’ Daddy whispered as if he were sharing a secret.

‘What?’ Amelia whispered back excitedly.

‘You can teach Shiloh how to put jelly into Daddy’s boots; you know how much that annoys him.’

Amelia clapped her hands over her mouth and giggled.


‘And you know Amelia, having a little brother means you get an extra present from Shiloh on your birthday and at Christmas time.’

‘An extra present?’ Amelia repeated. Well maybe The Baby wasn’t too bad after all.

‘Yup. Come on now; are you going to come down and say goodnight to everyone before I give you a bath?’

‘Ok Daddy.’ Amelia said, letting Daddy pick her up and carry her downstairs.

As they got to the living room she saw Daddy sitting on the couch holding The Baby. Grandpa was sitting next to them, one arm wrapped around Daddy’s shoulders. She was put down on Grandpa’s lap, right next to The Baby.

‘Hey Shiloh, look who’s come to say goodnight to you.’ Daddy said, holding up The Baby closer to Amelia. He opened his eyes and blinked at her. ‘Look, he’s woken up so he can see you.’

Amelia peered down at The Baby. She hadn’t been this close to him since they had gotten him home from the hospital; he had smelled then and was crying loudly.

He didn’t smell now though, she noticed, and he wasn’t screaming. In fact, he was quite cute. He uncurled his fist and she placed her finger on his palm, the way she had seen Daddy and Daddy do so often, squealing when The Baby squeezed it tightly.

‘See, he’s saying hello.’ Grandpa smiled.

Now that he wasn’t crying and he was holding her finger Amelia didn’t think he was so bad.

‘Is he going to be crying all the time?’ She asked.

‘Not if I can help it sweetheart.’ Daddy laughed, sitting on the couch next to Daddy. ‘But he will cry sometimes. If he does just sing to him and he’ll go back to sleep.’

Amelia nodded, she liked singing.

‘And you and Daddy still love me?’

‘Of course we still love you.’ Daddy said, holding Shiloh with one arm so he could wrap the other around her. ‘We will always love you.’

‘And I get an extra present on my birthday and Christmas?’ Daddy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa all laughed at this, but Amelia didn’t know why.

‘Yes, you’ll get an extra present. Now say good night so I can give you a bath!’

Amelia kissed Grandpa and Grandma Goodnight, leaning over Shiloh to give Daddy a kiss before moving close to her little brother.

If Daddy and Daddy promised they would still love her she figured she could get used to having a little brother. It would be fun to teach him all her tricks and have someone to carry them out with.

‘Good night Shiloh.’ She said, placing a kiss on Shiloh’s forehead, grinning widely as Shiloh’s lips puckered up.

‘Ah, he’s giving me a kiss.’ She laughed. ‘He loves me back.’

‘Uh huh.’ Daddy smiled back before asking Grandma to go and get a bottle ready.

‘I suppose he can stay then.’ She decided, lifting her arms up so Daddy could pick her up and take her for her bath.

‘That’s good to know sweetheart.’ He said as they walked up the stairs. ‘I don’t think the hospital gives refunds.’

Comments are love <3 please let me know what you think!

Other stories in the ‘Grandpa Burt’ series: Grandpa Burt | New Arrival Part One | New Arrival Part Two  | Grandpa Burt Babysits

If you have any requests for Grandpa Burt or Daddy Klaine stories inbox me! I really enjoy writing these and would love some prompts :D

genre: fluff, authors/artists: a, media: fanfic, rating: pg, length: multi-part

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