Title: Dazzling Precious Treasure [3b/7]
Author: Alura
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Finding the one you need is never the end of the story because life is not that simple. Especially not for Blaine Anderson, there are too many lessons yet for him to learn, too many truths still to find. The sequel to
Disguise Our Bondage.
Warnings: BDSM, Past-Abuse (with flashbacks)
Author's Note: Here we are, the second half. I suck at being on time, apparently, but I just had a really hard time with these scenes, so any feedback is more than welcome. I’m going to try to have chapter 4 up this weekend so I can get back on track to updates on Fridays. Thanks for your patience. Also, thanks to
longlost10 for help with the mathy stuff. >_>
Disclaimer: I don’t own Glee or it’d be all queers, all the time.
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Chapter One