Fic: So Far From Crete (3/12[?])

Jan 23, 2012 18:52

Title: So Far From Crete

Rating: PG (this chapter; NC-17 overall)

Word Count: ~1700 (this chapter; ~5600 overall)

Summary: Written for this post on the Kurt/Blaine story time prompt post...let's just say that Kurt is a descendent of the winged.  Yeah, I never thought I would write a wingies story but this one spoke to me.  CAUTION: mother of all spoilers in the prompt so...stick with me if you want to read about them falling for each other in this chapter...

A/N: Real life continues to cock block my writing time...but now that H2$ is over I will actually be around again.  Yes.  I saw the show 5 times - 4 of them were rush.  I slept overnight in the snow on Friday night to see it Saturday night.  I'm one of THOSE people who rushed more than once...and you know what, I got there 12 hours early for a reason.  'Cause I knew otherwise I was up the creek!  Our boy was phenomenal...and now back to real life.  Er...or something.  ;)

Slowly but surely Kurt becomes accustomed to life at Dalton.

At first his misses McKinley sorely, sending endless texts to Mercedes and Rachel, commenting on everything from the young men around him to the color of the drapes in the junior common area. As the days become weeks, though, the men of Dalton start to carve out a place in his heart and, although it isn't home, the combination of good-natured joking, singing together in amazing harmony, and a curriculum that actually challenges Kurt gradually pulls him in.

authors/artists: s, rating: pg

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