Black Friday Everything Meme

Nov 24, 2011 21:06

Grab some coffee and a turkey sandwich; we'll be opening at midnight Eastern time Friday (9 pm Pacific) 10pm-ish Eastern time.

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!one sentence meme, thisistotallyawesome, !anything but fic meme

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Re: Snow threepwillow November 26 2011, 15:05:18 UTC
The moment Kurt wakes up he can smell snow in the air, and he breathes deep and then sighs back out, nestling down into his pillows and smiling vaguely up at the ceiling. It's such a nice, sweet smell out here in Ohio, the crispness of new snow - not like New York City where it turns grey and slushy or miserable and hard-packed in a matter of minutes - and yet at the same time this is all sort of surreal, because Kurt realizes suddenly that he's not used to this any more. That New York has become his normal, and Ohio, here on the last Christmas break he has before he graduates college, is a foreign destination. He comes here to visit. He goes home to his apartment, and the loud idiots upstairs, and the busy streets, and Blaine.

Kurt sighs again, a little less contendedly this time. Blaine. They've been pulled apart for their Christmas festivities and probably won't see each other again till the 26th, because Charlotte Anderson has very strict ideas of what counts as family for family time and Kurt has not been integrated into that fold yet. It hurts a little, knowing that they could be together but they're not. Because even if Kurt doesn't buy into a baby in a barn somewhere being the king of all the earth or whatever, and even if he's much too old to still believe in Santa Claus, there's still some undeniable magic about Christmas, and it's when Kurt goes through magic moments that he wants Blaine most of all. He wants Blaine pressed deep into the sharp-white snow, frozen solid except for where their bodies touch, kissing and making angels. He wants Blaine's eyes sparkling under strings of lights.

With a third sigh, this one mostly of defeat, Kurt rolls over and swings his legs out of bed, preparing to get up. He's got a lot of cooking to do for the big late lunch/early dinner meal tomorrow, especially with Carole's bad knee acting up again, and he definitely needs to get started earlier rather than later. He's toeing under his bed in search of his left slipper when it happens.

"Oh my god!" yells Finn at pretty much the top of his lungs. "Oh my god oh my god Kurt! Kurt you gotta see this! Like, now!"

Fearing the worst, Kurt dives to his knees to find the slipper faster and then shuffles out the door and down the hallway toward Finn's room. "What, what, what?" he shouts back, panicked.

"No, dude, out the window!" Finn screams. So Kurt turns back into his own bedroom, throwing aside the thin burgundy curtains and then tugging up the blinds, and squints out into the brightness of the sunlight reflecting off the brilliant-white snow until he can make sense of it.

Trampled into the crisp top layer of the snow, in broad, sure footsteps, are the words WILL YOU MARRY ME? Below that, slightly smaller, it says New York 2018.

(There may or may not also be a completely dorky smily face.)

Kurt's not sure how the next few seconds pass, with his head positively reeling from the blinding shine of the snow and the gravity of the words written in it. All he knows is that a few moments later Finn makes his way into the room, and says something like "I know Rachel's progressive and all but those footprints are way too big to be her," and that meanwhile Kurt is still staring out the window, his hand pressed over his mouth, and he thinks he might be crying.

"Dude, are you okay?" presses Finn. "Say something, please."

"It's magic," Kurt whispers, careless of whether Finn hears or not. "It's all the magic I've ever needed."


ugh the above is a fill ^ threepwillow November 26 2011, 15:05:38 UTC


Re: ugh the above is a fill ^ semisense November 28 2011, 00:41:06 UTC
Absolutely wonderful fill :)


Re: Snow water_nix November 26 2011, 23:27:56 UTC
Aww, that was lovely! ♥


Re: Snow nyychick23513 November 27 2011, 17:53:51 UTC


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