Title : To Build a Family
Author : Jen
Rating : R for mild adult situations
Warnings :
mild emotional abuse, missing kids
Pairing : Kurt/Blaine
Word count : ~21,000
Spoilers : canon through events up to end of season two but then AU. References things in early season three but they're the "if you know it then you'll see it" variety rather than anything that's going to club you 'round the head
Summary : For a long time it was just Kurt and Burt and while it wasn't bad it wasn't great. Then it was Kurt, Burt, Carole and Finn. Then Blaine came along and Kurt's family life was pretty good. Shame Blaine's family didn't work the same way.
Author's love goes as always to
turnthedarkness who spots my mistakes (rare though they are!) and helped me come up with a title that I don't hate.
Fake cut to my writing journal :
"Just you and me. Words meant to comfort and for a long time that's what they did."