It's time for Weekly Rec Post #54! \o/
Rules and stuff and stuff:
- Try to keep your recs centered around Kurt, Blaine, Chris Colfer, or Darren Criss.
- Don't bash other peoples' recs/opinions/GIFs, okay? Just don't do it. Remember: this is a community for love, not hate. Check out the bashing policy here.
- Feel free to rec as much as you want! Whether it's a fic that was posted today or a fic posted way back in October, everything Klaine is kosher here!
- Make sure you leave a title, rating, status (either WIP or finished) and author when you rec. If you want, go ahead and gush over why you love it.
- All types of rec are absolutely acceptable! Fic, art, fanmix, graphics, slushie flavor, favorite Kurt outfit. GO WILD.
- Remember that when you read a rec that you really enjoyed, thank the reccer and please leave a comment on the fic as well. It's just something nice to do and makes everyone feel really good. :)
- Remember that some recs may contain spoilers or warnings. Try to mention any for future episodes when you rec, and be sure to read headers!
- If you're looking for a specific fic, try our Finding Post!
Reminder! Keep spoiler discussion on spoiler posts, unless you're talking about fic or art.