Media: Fic
Title: A Very Non-Typical Weekend In The Hudmel Household
jan_reaRating: PG-13
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Carole
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Glee isn't mine...Which is such a tragedy...Think of all the Klaine I could put in...
Summary: The fic in which Blaine gets threatened and intimidated just because Burt and Finn decided to team up to protect Kurt’s virtue, with Kurt not helping the situation by being horribly confused and beguilingly adorable and sexy at the same time, and Carole’s just there for the show, with popcorn in tow.
A/N: Written for the lovely
n_nanini, who was kind enough to send me a copy of a magazine that featured Chris in her country~ She wanted more Hummel-Hudson family interaction, with a dash of Klaine thrown in. Hope that this fulfills what you wanted~! <3 (P.S: Sorry for the delay, this is the first part, the second should be up soon~)
Story on FFNet, Click for some Burt + Finn scheming~ XD