Fic: Endless Forms

Sep 07, 2011 08:51

Media: Fic
Title: Endless Forms
Author: narie
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers: Small indirect spoilers for 2x20, Prom Queen.
Warnings (if any): References to homophobic violence.
Word Count: 7246
Summary: There are many languages Blaine Anderson does not speak. The one of the heart, however, he is confident he is fluent in.
Author's Note: This story is a spiritual companion of sorts to something else I wrote in March, Grandeur in this View of Life. You'd never guess it by reading either of them, but the connection is there, at least in my head. Many, many thanks are owed to my betas peachpai, lls_mutant and ctrlaltdelete, for their willingness to help with holes, and to halona for encouragement. Crossposted to beyond_dapper.

( Blaine's grandfather was a scientist.)

authors/artists: n, genre: gen, rating: pg

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