Fic: Come Undone (3/?)

Jul 24, 2011 13:33

Title: Come Undone (3/?)
Author: rachel_riot90
Rating: R
Word count: 3,870
Spoilers: 2.06 onwards

Summary: It was one mistake, one moment of panic and fear, but it changed Blaine Anderson's life forever. Being locked up in a juvenile correctional facility for a year saw him forced to adapt to survive. A few weeks before Blaine's release, a new kid arrived in juvie - Noah Puckerman. It was an instant friendship and one that Blaine knew would continue in the outside world. But he could never predict just how big an impact the friendship would have on him, especially when he meets this guy Puck knows called Kurt Hummel...

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Blaine was good at tuning out unwanted noise so it was easy to ignore the sound of Kathy's droning voice, intermingled with his mom's nagging one.

“Just remember, Blaine, whatever happens try not to lose your temper.”

“Your mom's right - I know this is going to be difficult but just be polite and answer all their questions.”

“And for goodness sake, Blaine, sit up straight. You’re crumpling your shirt.”

Blaine resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he looked out the window of the principal's office to where Puck and Kurt were hovering. He caught Puck's eyes and was rewarded with a fist-bump in the air, while a smiling Kurt held up crossed fingers.

Somehow Kurt had persuaded one of his teachers to intervene on Blaine's behalf and now he was sitting here, waiting for the McKinley High principal to decide if he would let Blaine into the school. This was it. Last chance saloon. But he was trying not to dwell on that.

Suddenly the door swung open and a blonde woman in a dark blue tracksuit came marching in. Blaine, his mom and Kathy all stood up and Blaine noticed that he barely came up to the woman's chin.

“Are you Principal Figgins?” he said, as the woman strode wordlessly to the seat behind the desk.

“Ooh, that's strike one. Figgins is incapacitated. Whether his condition proves to be fatal depends on how my karma's doing this week. Either way, I've taken over the school. And as soon as this meeting is over I will be contacting the Ohio Department of Youth Services to demand that all current inmates be forced to watch the entire back catalogue of Sue's Corner. It's unacceptable that you don't recognise a pop culture phenomenon such as Sue Sylvester."

She gestured for them all to sit down as she opened the file in front of her.

“So! Blaine Anderson. Blaine - that's an unusual name. Lots of scope for cruel nicknames there - Plain Blaine, Lame Blaine, Blaine the Pain. That's unfortunate for you." She turned back to the papers and spoke without looking up. "So, you were expelled from your last school, you've done a stretch in juvenile detention, and now you've come crawling to McKinley.”

“Ma'am, I promise you I will be a good student, if you just give me a chance-”

“Yeah, I'm not really listening." She picked up one piece of paper and Blaine flushed as he realised it was the report of his expulsion. "Huh," she said, fixing Blaine with an appraising stare, "you don't look like you had it in you.”

“I know my transcripts look bad...”

“Oh, your transcripts are fine. Honor role, 4.0 GPA, regular contributor to the literary magazine, orchestra, mathletes..." She tore her glasses off her face and leaned forward. "Mrs Anderson, are you one of those parents who forces their child to become an over-achieving drone, thereby vicariously satisfying your own ego in a desperate attempt to make up for the fact that your own life never amounted to anything?”

“I... don't even know what that means.”

“Blaine, was your violent outburst an act of rebellion against your parents' crushing expectations?”

“No! I liked doing all that stuff.”

She reached into the file again. “Oh, what have we here? A letter of recommendation from William Schuester! Well, that's enough for me to reject you on the spot!”

“Wha-what?" Kathy spluttered. "But he's a teacher at this school!”

“Trust me, the last thing this kid needs is exposure to Will Schuester. That mop on his head is unattractive enough as it is, but the mere thought of it solidified by hair gel will haunt my dreams tonight.”

“Ma'am, please," Kathy said, her voice back to its usual, measured tone, "Blaine has the confidence of the staff, he has friends at this school-”

“Oh? Who?”

“Um, Noah Puckerman and Kurt Hummel.”

Blaine hoped he wasn't going as red as his cheeks felt as he saw the principal's gaze flick up to where he was sure Puck and Kurt were still standing watch outside.

“Oh, isn't that sweet!" she said with a sudden grin. "Ladyface deserves a place on the incestuous merry-go-round of glee club fornication. Kid, you're hired!”

“Wait. What? Does that mean you're letting me into the school?”

“For now. First act of violence, sign of violence, threat of violence, dark stare that suggests thoughts of violence are percolating behind those spider-leg-lashed eyes, and you will be on your way to a continuation school faster than a True Love Waits couple can consummate their marriage. Understood?”

Blaine nodded. “Absolutely. I promise I won't let you down. I'm gonna work hard and I'm gonna-”

“Yeah, you're boring me. I want you to go now.”

He looked at Kathy who just shrugged.

Blaine's mom put her hand on his elbow. “Do you need Blaine to see the guidance counselor or anything?” she asked as she got up.

The principal frowned. “Mrs Anderson, do you want your son to succeed at this school?”

“Of course.”

“Then why on earth would you suggest such a horrible thing?”

They took that as their cue to leave the office and Blaine immediately bounded over to Puck and Kurt.

“I'm in.”

“Dude! That's awesome!" Puck said, swinging his arm around Blaine's neck. "You and I are gonna rule this school!”

“Hey, I gotta keep my nose clean. No trouble. From this moment on, I am a model student.”

“An example you should be following, Puckerman,” Kurt said.

“Whatever. You're a badass, Anderson. And you got that whole mysterious stranger thing working for you. You can totally have your pick of the girls at this school. I can give you a full report on the woman of your choice.”

“You're a good friend, Puck.”

“So you'll join glee club, right?” Kurt cut in. “I kinda promised Mr Schue that you would.”

“I know it sounds really gay," Puck said, "but it's actually pretty fun.”

Kurt raised an eyebrow. “It sounds really what?”

“Gay. Like you.” He turned back to Blaine. “Seriously, we do some cool shit in there. And Mr Schue's off sick, so we're totally goofing off right now.”

“How can I refuse a recommendation like that?”

“Yay!" Kurt said, clapping his fingertips together and bouncing on his toes. "Speaking of glee club, there's one thing I have to do.”

He shuffled away from them to a door across the hallway, where Blaine could see a pretty blonde woman babbling something in Spanish. Kurt knocked on the door. “...Excuse me, Miss Holliday? A word?”

* * *

Kurt bounded towards glee club rehearsal with renewed vigour the next day, Blaine at his side.

"I gotta say, my first full day here has really made me appreciate the education standards in juvie," Blaine was saying. "I totally thought I'd be behind in every class but I'm actually okay."

"If you know the alphabet you'll be okay at McKinley. It's not exactly renowned for academic prowess."

"Hey, I'm trying to be proud of myself here."

"Sorry. You're very clever and you're going to get an excellent education here. Is that better?"

He smiled. "Fuck you, Hummel."

They reached the choir room and sauntered in side by side. Everyone else was already there, including Miss Holliday, and Puck, for some reason, had a block of butter in his hand. Kurt was about to ask what on earth he was doing with it when-

He got his answer.

He lost his footing on the greased floor a split second before Blaine lost his. Flailing, they tried to grab on to each other, but all that achieved was the pair of them pulling each other down faster. Kurt ended up flat on his back with Blaine right on top of him, their bodies pressed together and their legs awkwardly entwined.

"Um..." Blaine said.

"Let's start with some introductions," Kurt heard Miss Holliday say, totally ignoring the mess he and Blaine were in on the floor. "My name is Holly Holliday. What's yours? Go."

"Sorry," Kurt whispered.

"Not really your fault."

"You're still on top of me."


They both scrabbled to their feet. Kurt felt his cheeks burning and he cursed his traitorously pale skin that was probably red as a London bus right now.

"Those aren't your names," Miss Holliday was saying, as Kurt started paying attention again. "You know why I know that?"

"You're psychic," Brittany said.

"I know this because I recently watched a video of you guys performing at Regionals - where you came in last." She whipped her head round and looked at Blaine. “Except you. You I don't recognise.”

“I'm Blaine," he said. "I'm new. Actually, this is my first glee meeting.”

“Oh yeah, delinquent number two," Santana said. "Are we trying to give Jane Addams a run for their money or something?"

"You know, none of us have actually heard you sing yet," Rachel said. "Mr Schuester doesn't have particularly high standards for membership but in his absence I feel I should insist that you at least demonstrate the limitations of your vocal range."

“Oh." Blaine shuffled his feet. "Do I have to?”

“This is glee club," Mercedes said. "Singing's kind of the whole point.”

“Come on, don't be such a candy ass!" Miss Holliday said. "What song would you like to sing?”

"I dunno, what do you guys sing in here?"

"Well, what's something you know all the words to?"

"Happy Birthday?"

Kurt glared at Rachel as she gave an exaggerated sigh.

“Come on, you must have a favourite song,” Miss Holliday said. “What was the last concert you went to see?”

Santana snorted. “A pre-crazy Britney?”

Kurt saw Blaine's jaw tense up and he was about to tell Santana to zip it when Blaine lifted his head up high and turned to the teacher.

“I've been in juvie for a year. It's been a while since I went to a concert.”

“Awesome! What'd you do?”

"Something that's none of your damn business!" Blaine said, his eyes flashing angrily. "Okay, you want me to sing? Fine, I know all the words to Viva la Vida by Coldplay. Could I sing that?”

“Epic choice!," Miss Holliday said. "Man, if I ever get to meet Chris Martin, the things I'll do to him. Come on, band dudes - hit it!”

The band started up and Kurt gave Blaine what he hoped was his most encouraging smile as Blaine wrapped his arms around himself.

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

His voice rang out, strong and smooth, pitch perfect even with his shoulders hunched up. Kurt glanced over at Rachel and felt a little smug at the surprise on her face.

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
“Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

He saw Rachel and Mercedes glance at each other, both looking grudgingly impressed. Suddenly, Puck jumped up, pulling Kurt with him, and the two of them circled Blaine, dancing around him, picking out the harmonies in the chorus.

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you'd gone there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

Blaine looked more relaxed now, almost smiling, as Mike jumped up to do some flashy steps and Puck dragged up Finn and Sam to join in.

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh, who would ever want to be king?

Blaine's voice grew stronger and louder; he seemed to get more into the song with every note as Tina joined Mike on the dancefloor, Brittany pulled Santana and Quinn to join them, and Miss Holliday twirled around with Artie.

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Only Rachel and Mercedes stayed seated and Kurt felt a pang when he noticed the glare of distrust etched onto his best friend's face.

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

* * *

“Is that really what he told you?”

“Is it not true?”

“You really believed him?”

“Yeah, Puck's a badass!”

“In your world, sure, but in juvie he was like plankton in a world of whales.”

The next evening, as part of his newly formed Operation-Get-Mercedes-To-See-How-Cool-Blaine-Is, Kurt had insisted the three of them sample the finest cuisine Lima had to offer with dinner at Breadstix.

“So what really happened?” Kurt asked.

“Nah,” Blaine said, shaking his head, “I'm probably breaking some kind of code here.”

“Tell us!”

Blaine looked around, a grin tugging at his mouth, then he leaned forward conspiratorially. “Let's just say he's lucky he was in there long enough for the bruises to heal.”

“How come you were nice to him?” Mercedes said suddenly, speaking for the first time in about ten minutes.

Blaine gave her an icy smile. “Because I'm a nice guy. His third day, at breakfast, he looked so miserable I felt sorry for him, so I gave him half my waffles. He kinda latched onto me after that. And do not tell him I told you!" he said, poking Kurt in the shoulder. "He takes his rep very seriously!”

“Excuse me?” Mercedes said suddenly, as a waitress passed their table. “I know it's not on your menu but do you have-”

“You want some tots?” she said. “You kids must go to McKinley.”

“Ugh, tater tots,” Blaine said, as the waitress walked away. “After a year of mass-produced, processed food I am not sorry to see the back of them.” He fixed Kurt with a guilty look. “Okay, I know you're going to disapprove but I really need a cigarette.”

Kurt narrowed his eyes. “You'd better have breathmints.”

“I promise. Back in five.”

He squeezed past Kurt, out of the booth, and dashed towards the restaurant's exit. Mercedes watched him go, then whipped round to Kurt as soon as the door had swung shut.

“I don't get it.”

“Don't get what?”

“Why you're hanging out with him so much.”

“Come on, we're not hanging out that much.”

“Are you kidding me?" she said, her eyebrows racing up. "Everything you say these days is 'Blaine this, Blaine that, Blaine made a funny joke...' Are you crushing on him?”

“No! Mercedes, I can have male friends without there being an ulterior motive. Anyway, look at him, he's straight as a ruler.”

“And he knows you're gay?”

“Yes. And he's fine with it." He sighed and leaned over the table. "What's this really about, huh? You're not jealous, are you?" He reached out and placed his hand over hers. "Mercedes, you're still my best friend.”

“Even if you have a shiny new toy now?”

He smiled. “Even then.”

“I just don't get why you like him so much.”

“He's funny. We have a good time together." Kurt shrugged. "Anyway, I think he's just lonely and he needs a friend.”

“Does your dad know you're hanging out with him?”

“My dad doesn't keep tabs on my friends.”

“You mean you know he would freak if he found out you were hanging with a criminal.” Kurt opened his mouth to defend Blaine but Mercedes cut him off before he could speak. “Do you actually know what he did to end up in juvie?”

“No, I haven't asked him. If he wants to tell me then that's up to him but as far as I'm concerned, it's in the past.”

“Come on, you're not even a little bit curious?”

“Oh, I'm dying to know. But it's Blaine's business, not mine.”

“I asked Puck about it...”

“Mercedes..." he said warningly. Then, quietly, "Does he know?”

“Not the full details. He said it wasn't polite to ask guys that stuff in juvie. All he knows is that it was something violent.” She lowered her voice. “In fact, Puck said that Blaine told him he was in a cell on his own for his first coupla months - and that only happens with the really dangerous guys.”

“Come on, look at him - he's tiny! He can't be that dangerous!”

“I'm just saying, be careful. You don't know him that well, you don't know what he's capable of. Watch your back, okay? Don't get in too deep - 'cause I don't wanna have to be worrying about you.”

* * *

Mercedes' words stayed with Kurt until the next day, as he walked down the hall with Blaine after geometry.

Okay, yes, he desperately wanted to know what Blaine had done but he also meant what he said - it was Blaine's business and it was up to him if he wanted to tell Kurt. Sure, Kurt knew it had to be pretty serious for him to be locked up for a year but equally he wouldn't be let out after just a year if he'd, like, killed someone, right? He probably just fell in with a bad crowd and got a little out of control.

And Mercedes was definitely wrong about Kurt having a crush on Blaine. Did he appreciate that Blaine was a good looking guy? Of course. He had eyes. But he'd learned his lesson last year about going after straight guys. Besides, he didn't really fall for the whole bad boy thing. Edward Cullen was just a freaky stalker as far as he was concerned.

Suddenly Kurt was rudely jolted from his reverie by Karofsky shoving him, hard, against the lockers. He winced as his shoulder bashed against the metal, hitting a spot that was already bruised.

“Hey!" Blaine yelled, as Karofsky strode away. "What the hell are you doing?”

“Blaine, come on...” Kurt said, pushing himself away from the lockers.

But it was too late. Karofsky was already stalking back over to them.

“You got your own bodyguard now, Kurt? That's cute.”

“I'm warning you," Blaine said, stepping up to Karofsky, seemingly not caring that the other boy had about six inches and seventy pounds on him. "Touch him again-”

“And what?" Karofsky said. "What're you gonna do about it? Oh, wait, you can't do anything, can you? You can't lay a finger on me without getting expelled.”

“Don't mess with me.”

“Ooh, I'm shaking. You're like a neutered puppy!”

Kurt saw Blaine flinch, jaw tightening, hands flexing, and he darted forward, grabbing Blaine by the shoulder and pulling him away.

“Blaine! Don't.”

“Yeah, Blaine," Karofsky said, grinning mockingly. Don't.”

He strutted away again, laughing, and Blaine whirled round to Kurt.

“What the hell did you do that for?”

“Because Karofsky's not worth getting expelled over!”

“Kurt, you can't just let him get away with that shit!”

“It's not your problem, Blaine. Okay? I appreciate the concern but don't try and turn me into some crusade just because you're spoiling for a fight.”

Blaine blinked. “Well,” he said coldly, “it's good to know what you really think of me.”

* * *

Kurt left school as soon as the final bell rang. His dad was still at work when he got home so he went straight down to his basement and put his iPod on shuffle.

He couldn't get Blaine's face out of his mind: that predatory look as he stood in front of Karofsky, ready to pounce; that flash of hurt in his eyes as he'd walked away from Kurt moments later.

Kurt knew he should just ask Blaine for the truth. But that would involve asking Blaine for the truth, which risked being told to fuck off.

He switched on his laptop and pointed his internet browser to Google. This was a longshot, he knew, but it was also easier. He clicked into the search bar and typed 'Blaine Anderson Ohio'.

Two LinkedIn profiles came up first, one for a Cleveland-based attorney, the other for an artist in Dayton, then, below them, a year old article from a Westerville news site, with the headline, 'Ohio Teen Sentenced For Assault.'

Kurt clicked on the link.

A 15-year-old boy has been sentenced to 18 months in a juvenile detention facility.

Blaine Anderson, formerly of Westerville Central High School, was convicted of assault after stabbing his classmate, Vincent Ryman, also 15, after a school dance earlier this year.

Anderson maintained throughout his trial that he had been threatened by Ryman prior to the dance and only brought the knife to school to protect himself. However, when handing down the sentence, Judge Nicholas Walker stated that, although he acknowledged Anderson may have been concerned, his actions were out of proportion to any perceived threat that Ryman posed. Judge Walker also noted Anderson's apparent lack of remorse over his actions and ordered that he attend mandatory anger management classes.

Should the youth show progress and satisfy officials that he will be able to function in society without resorting to further violence, he could be released on probation before the end of his 18-month term.

Speaking after the sentencing, George Ryman, Vincent's father said, “For me, no punishment will ever be enough for what that boy did to my son. Getting that call to say that your kid is in hospital, in intensive care, because he's been stabbed, that's every parent's worst nightmare. I just thank God every day that Vinny survived.”

Defense Counsel Michael Goldman said, “Blaine is an intelligent, articulate young man but he's clearly also very troubled. I hope he can take advantage of the opportunities the state can now offer him to rehabilitate himself.”

No further details were released.

It was only when Kurt reached out to close his laptop that he realised he was shaking.

Chapter 4

authors/artists: r, media: fanfic, length: series, length: multi-part, rating: r

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