Velvet Petals, Piercing Thorns - Chapter One

Jul 12, 2011 20:56

Title: Velvet Petals, Piercing Thorns - Chapter One (Prologue+1/?)
Media: Fic
Author: a_glass_parade
Rating: PG this chapter; will escalate to R/NC-17 in future chapters
Genre: Romance, AU, Historical Fiction
Warnings:: None this chapter, I think, but given that this is essentially a romance novel set in a violent time...there will eventually be depictions of sexual acts between two men, things said that these days would be considered politically incorrect, adult language, murder, possible beatings, and threats of torture.
Spoilers: While events and references from both seasons of Glee may be adapted and worked into the story occasionally, it's otherwise fully AU.
Word Count: Story: 6400+ This Chapter: 5100+
Summary: England, 1484: The forces of Lancaster see Edward Blaine Anderson, Viscount Dalton, as key to their plans to retake and hold the throne of England. The House of York has come to the same conclusion and they want to stop that from happening. Their secret weapon will be Kurt Hummel, stableman's son and reluctant spy.
Additional Notes: This is written in the vein of your typical historical romance novel with all the historical liberties taken that you'd expect. I do try to be as historically accurate as is feasible, though. Sweetly reader beta'd by the lovely and incomparable mothergoddamn, who made me feel like a queeeeeeeeen. And if you missed the prologue, you can find it here.

("The problem with helmets, Blaine mused, balancing the hilt of his sword in his hand, is that they make it so damn hard to see what your opponent is thinking.")

authors/artists: a, rating: pg-13, media: fanfic, length: series, genre: romance, rating: r

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