Being a defense of certain canon plot points in episode 2x09. (Don't shoot.)
Title: Big Fish Meet Different Pond
Author: ladybugkay
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine pre-slash
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1211
Spoilers/Warnings: through 2x09 “Special Education”; warning for meta; angst
Summary: Wes hasn’t made up his mind yet about their newest Warbler. Wes POV.
Disclaimer: Oh, Ryan Murphy and Fox and all those other wealthy people own the characters. I get nothing for this.
There seems to be a lot of negative reaction toward Blaine and the Warblers and Dalton in general after this episode, and while I can absolutely understand it, and am not entirely comfortable myself with the way the writers chose to go in the ep, I don’t think the Dalton boys are entirely in the wrong. I love Kurt, but let’s step outside his POV for a moment. That’s what this is an attempt to be, anyway. Yes, this is meta.
Wes doesn't know what to think about Kurt Hummel.