Media: Fic
Title: Rites of Passage: Companion Fic: Merits and Failings of Redemption
Rating: PG 13
Spoilers (if any): Prom Queen
Warnings (if any): Swearing, Underage Drinking
Word Count:9586
Summary: Prom night from Blaine's POV: But the way Mr. Hummel comes up to me, slaps me on the arm and says, “Looking sharp, kid.” Then sort of shifts me away from Carol and slips me thirty bucks for dinner with a warning that he will find out if I give it to Puck for booze reminds me that there is a difference between “tolerance” and “acceptance” and kind of makes me feel like a complete tool for ever thinking I could’ve mentored Kurt.
Rites of PassageMerits and Failings of Redemption Part 1Merits and Failings of Redemption Part 2