Media: Fanfic
Title: Absence and the Heart (3a/7)
Rating: PG
Pairings: Klaine
Other Characters: Wes, Jeff, Nick, and all the other named Warblers (because I'm not ready to let them go yet)
Spoilers: Up to s2e18, with some speculation of that scene in e19
Warnings: Fluff, angst
Word Count: 2,213 approx
Summary: Blaine copes with the first ten days of not having Kurt around every moment of the day; the Warblers cope with Blaine.
Sometimes he feels like he lives at Dalton and boards at home for a while "Saturday" got too long - again - so I had to split it into two parts. The next should be up, hopefully kind of soon, depending on how much these Warblers talk to me