Title: The Little Things (1/?)
Rating: PG (pretty much)
Spoilers (If any): None really, will warn if there WILL be any.
Warnings (If any):
Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to Ryan Murphy and FOX.
Word Count: 2,000
Summary: Kurt is lost and confused after leaving McKinley. He hasn't had any of the experiences he's always dreamed of. Cue Blaine, the Warblers and the hallowed halls of Dalton Academy... Plenty of fluffy stuff. Small Multi Chapter :D
Firstly, this place is BRILLIANT :D Everyone's so ridiculously nice and it's WAY more positive than some place so YEY!
I just HAD to start a new story as well, it's impossible to NOT fall in love with Blaine or the possibility that is Kurt + Blaine. They're so damn cute and I HOPE they keep their relationship (whatever it may be) teenage, new and tenatative. I just want Kurt to be happy and this is the main thing about this story. I adore Dalton and the little world they've created so I'm completely ga-ga for its traditional feel and boarding school atmosphere so expect me to GUSH about it :P
Am a BUSY girl so updates won't be SUPER regular but I'll keep them coming. It won't be THAT long but it'll be a few chapters.
I'm a bloomin' ridiculous Darren Criss fan ever since a friend of mine in the US (I'm in the UK) saw him in a bar and sent me some of his music a year and a bit ago. The fact he did AVPM/S and all the Starkid stuff was cool enough ... now he's in my favorite show - well, it's kinda mindblowing :D
I really hope you like this story. It's my little way of honouring all of the firsts and things Kurt wants and deserves. He's my favourite character (even when he's being a whiney little bitch) alongside Emma and Brittany and now Blaine (obv) so it killed me when he talked about his prom and wanting to hold hands with someone and that nobody understands. *sob*
Please feel free to send con-crit my way and leave any comments let me know if you want me to continue.
I LOVE so many of the stories here so thought I'd add my own as I haven't written fanfic for a little while :D
Thanks for reading <3
Link to my journal - Chapter One
happyinchintz72.livejournal.com/12436.html Could I pretty please have an author tag?? :D