Aug 10, 2011 22:09

Well this is for lyriste and anyone that's interested! Yesterday I had the privilege to see Gackt live in Stockholm! He was.. amazing! All the waiting on the other hand was not but that's what you have to deal with if you want good places haha! I waited for 5&a half hours.. on my ass.. it's flatter than it has ever been! XD But I didn't mind it much when I ended up just three rows back from Gackt! The intro from "YFC's secretary" had me laughing,.. On this tour Gackt loves the word FUCK haha! But all the waiting was worth it when Gackt&Jon came out! I admit I wasn't too fond of the idea of seeing Gackt with another vocalist but I think Jon was real good in the end! He was funny, got a real nice body and sprayed water in my face from his crotch area repeatedly.. what's not to like!? Lol jk 8D But I definitely think he did a good job! GOOD JON! :D

Well... I can't remember the setlist because it was so much new songs but it was a good crowd! But sadly when Gackt&Jon started to strip and tease I was squished up against this girl who didn't realize that the crowd was pushing me so she pushed back, HARD, so I almost fainted.. The crowd was so crazy, I sweated like I've never sweated before! And at one point a girl in heels (I'm awfully short) accidentally put her elbow on my throat and leaned it there so I almost choked to death! Lol well it was not nice! Okay back to Gackt! His choreographed dance moves with Jon was so cute.. and he was such a slutty man with his grinding and indecent touching! Me likey! I howled! The crowd (and I) went wild during Jesus because that's an awesome song.. But I really loved the last song that was calm, it was beautiful.. And when all of the crowd sang with them and I held my friend's hand in the crowd.. It was so wonderful!

When Gackt&his lovely band went off stage (SRSLY what happened to You's makeup? He looked like a peacock with 2 blackeyes!! Chacha was fab as usual and the other people,SO SORRY I don't know their names ;_;, just looked like cool and rockish! But You.. oh You.. I can so see Gackt cackling and making him wear fugly makeup 8D) the crowd went wild for an encore so they came back and I can't keep track of when Gackt said SO YOU WANT TO FUCK ME!? and all that but I loved it.. I howled and did my indian war cry and threw him kisses and made a heart with my hands (CHACHA HEARTED ME BACK) I'm sorry but the whole concert is in a blur! I'm trying to sort it out now.. anywho he did a long MC (I loled at the fact he called us my precious Sweden though) and did a song and then he looked all amazed over how FRICKIN' wild and crazy the crowd was for him.. There was this guy gang that constantly roared, so much fun 8D the band looked pretty amazed too and kept winding us up even more! By the end of the show Gackt almost fainted, Jon caught his stumble and led him offstage, he blew us one last kiss and then it was over... OR WELL.. Chacha entertained us with his waving and making us jump and being cheery and twirling a few minutes before the wonderfulness was over! I'll just have to say.. craziest concert of the year (I've been to Miyavi and Versailles) with a crazy crowd that loved Gackt! All in all I loved it! Jon was such a nice sidekick to have and I didn't mind him at all!

live report: gackt

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