Apparently there is an
LJ community devoted to Puss in Boots from Shrek 2. And that's all fine and good, but I was very much disturbed by something in
this entry, which discusses an older character design for the movie. I quote:
"...the Will Turner pirate hat is still present..."
!!!!!! >8O It is so NOT a freaking Will Turner pirate hat. Will Turner wore a freaking PUSS IN BOOTS HAT. Quite seriously, the first time I ever saw that scene in Pirates of the Carribean, I thought, "Hey, he's wearing a Puss in Boots hat." This was, you realize, many months before Shrek 2 came out. Hello!
Gustave Dore, people!
Of course, it may just be that I am bitter because I cannot draw cool hats. TT__TT