Twisted fate - chapter 2

Feb 21, 2016 01:07

Title: Twisted Fate

Author: kuroyukisama_17

Pairing: Inoo x Yuya | Inoo x Daiki

Genre: AU, BL, fluff

Rating: PG-13

Chapter 2
One years later…

“No! No! No! Stop pushing me! I don’t want to do it!” Daiki yelled while pressing his body on the door. Just locking the lock is not working anymore with Inoo. The latter have a spare key of each room in this house.

“Oh come on Dai-chan! It is not that hard, I’ll be there too!” Inoo said from the other side of the door.

“I don’t care! I just don’t want to do it! it is nonsense! Why should I obey your order!?”

“DAIKI!!” Inoo shouted loudly. Daiki have make him so angry. Why can’t he just say yes? Is it so hard, why did he hate it so much?

“Don’t shout at me!”

“I’m not!” Inoo said. Realizing that his effort to make Daiki open the door to his room is useless, he stop pushing it. “It just that you are so weird…” His voice was low, tinted with sad emotion. He know Daiki can hear him so he continue talking to the door like the latter is infront of him.  “Every time I mentioned about Yuya, you always acted weird. I just want us to settle all this war and become friend. Why is it so hard to ask you to like Yuya?”

“Why dai-chan… since I dated Yuya I realize that you start to get annoyed easily. Just tell why… can’t we settle this matter without arguing?”

There is no respond from Daiki and that is weird. So Inoo try to push the door again and this time, it work. “Dai-chan?” Inoo enter Daiki’s room. The latter’s room is in a big mess and he can’t find him. “Dai-chan where are you?” Inoo called him again while searching around the room.

Worried feeling start to creep through his slender body. He’s sure that he was fighting with Daiki earlier. It was impossible for the latter to disappear suddenly like this. All Inoo can think is that something bad have fall upon his bestfriend. Dai-chan where’re you!? Inoo start to search frantically. He throw away the mountain of clothes mixed with pillow and blanket on the bed in hope that he’ll find Daiki hiding under it. But no… he found nothing but a naked bed without a bedsheet.

Wait! Where is the bedsheet?

Inoo turn to the closet. As he thought, all the extra blanket and bedsheet were gone from it place. Then when he gaze down the opened window, he found all the missing thing. Daiki must have used all of that to escape from his room. “Urgh, why did he do this to me!” Inoo groan in frustration then running out of the room. If he’s fast, he can catch up with Daiki.

“Did he really have to go this far just to not have dinner with Yuya!? I’m so confused now!” Inoo ran toward the front door and grab his car key. “He can’t have gone too far…”


When it finally quiet again inside the room, the second closet next to the one Inoo have checked into, suddenly opened and a guy jump out of it. “Yosh! Now I’m free.” Daiki the missing person said while sighed relieve. He feel sorry for fooling his own bestfriend but if he don’t do like this, Inoo will not stop bugging him to agree with his stupid idea of become a friend of Takaki Yuya.

Yuya huh~ just mentioning his name send shiver down his spine. Daiki quickly shove away the bad feeling from his heart and mind, then straightening his mindset to never fall for that guy tricks. Once was enough for him, he don’t need a second time. He feel guiltier toward Inoo for letting the latter to fall for him. But he do realize that he don’t have the power to stop Inoo from loving Takaki Yuya.

Daiki walk in circle. He have his hand on his chin while his face creased badly. It been almost one year already since Inoo dated Yuya and as far as he can see, he don’t see any bad things coming from their relationship. Inoo seems to be so happy and seeing his bestfriend like that have shaken his believe a little.

Did he really change?

“Ah no! no! no! no! no way!” Daiki make a big denial about the little unsure fact about Takaki Yuya have penitent and change into a better person.

“Oh my god, why do I feel so restless!?” Daiki face-palming himself for his stupid behavior.

Daiki grab his wallet and phone then quietly tiptoeing to the door and opened it slowly. He peeked his head first and make sure that it is save to go out before he run to the front door and quickly get out of their share house.



“Welcome to Yaotome Coffee and Tea! Today special is the handmade strawberry ganache chocolate and for the beverage we have the new neko art for latte. Your order sir?”

“Give us two chocolate cake, orange juice for her and mocha for me.”


The tall male waiter bowed his body before he moved to the counter. “Yaotome-san, one mocha and orange juice!” He shouted to the men behind the counter and received an okay from him. He moved to the next counter to prepare the chocolate cake.

When the ordered menu is up, he bring it to the customer. That is when the bell ringing and the door opened. Come in a short guy with a light brown colored hair. “Welcome to Yaotome’s Coff-wow~” He didn’t manage to fully greeted the guy when suddenly his body was pushed back by the rude short guy.

“Hi Yuto and sorry I’m in hurry.” He apologized without even looking at the poor waiter and when straight at the counter.


Yaotome Hikaru who is expecting this to happen can only shake his head. The regular customer who is already getting used to experiencing this situation just ignored him and keep eating like that shouting is just a mere talking to their ears. “Dai-chan can you please watch your manner when entering my cafe.” Hikaru scolded him but he seems to not care about it and sit at the counter.

Hikaru sighed hard. “So what is it this time?”

Daiki rested his head on the counter while pouting. “Inoo-chan forced me to join his dinner with Yuya. He will bring Yuya over at house tonight.”

Hikaru rolled his eyes and try not to focusing too much on listening to Daiki’s complaint. He heard it so much already. There was one time when Daiki suddenly appear in his cafe looking so angry. The next hour that he could remember, he almost collapsed hearing all his condemn about Takaki Yuya. So for precaution, just let Daiki say what he want and he do his job. Just answering yes few times to the latter is enough.

“So in other words you want a place to sleep for tonight right.” Hikaru concluded after Daiki finish talking.

“Umm...” Daiki nodded his head. “Can I stay at your place?”

“I’m sorry but I can’t let you stay tonight. My parent is at home.”

Daiki lifted his head to look at Hikaru with a dejected feeling. Hikaru is his last hope and now even he can’t help him. “But I can’t stay at home! Help me Hika!”

“Umm... if you don’t mind I have an extra futon at home.” Yuto who just come back from serving the customer said.

Upon hearing that, Daiki eyes beamed brightly. “Oh Yuto my savior~” Daiki pulled Yuto hand and hold it tightly. “Thank you so much!”

“You don’t have to do that you know...” Hikaru said to his worker. He’s afraid that Daiki will bring trouble to him. Nakajima Yuto shouldn’t get involved with Daiki mess up life.

“It’s okay... I can handle it.” Yuto replied with a smile.

“So did Inoo know about your plan?” Hikaru asked Daiki and the latter just shake his head. “Urgh… I don’t want to care anymore!” Hikaru give up, he was tired with dealing with Daiki stubbornness. “Don’t come crying at me when your bestfriend is sulking with you!”

“Don’t worry Inoo hardly ever sulking with me… its okay.” Daiki said confidently.

But this time… he was wrong.

“Now tell me where you have been yesterday.”

Daiki try to avert his eyes from meeting with Inoo glare. He thought if he come home around 10 in the morning, he won’t bumped with Inoo since the latter got a class in the morning.

“Umm... I sleep at a friend house.” Daiki answered casually like he have done nothing wrong there.

Inoo glare at him incredulously. “What? Sleepover at a friend house? Hmmm...” He repeated Daiki’s answer in anger.

Inoo suddenly smiled. When Daiki see that, his face turn paler. Now he know how annoyed Inoo is to his inconsiderate behavior. “Did you know what I have been through yesterday because of you?” Inoo suddenly asked. Inoo bite his lower lips in order to hold his temper.

Cold sweat fell down from Daiki’s forehead. One of the thing he hate the most in this world is this. Facing Inoo Kei who is about to explode. He gulped. “”

“Then let me tell you dear friend. I search you everywhere like crazy and even canceling my dinner date with Yuya. All because I was damn worried about you and if you’re late a few minutes earlier... I would now be at the police office, reporting a missing person!” Inoo yelled at him and Daiki can only close his eye and accepting Inoo’s rage to him.

“How can you be so inconsiderate!?” Inoo ask him again.

“I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again. Forgive me Inoo-chan. Stop yelling and calm down.” Daiki begged Inoo. He rushes to him and give Inoo a hug. “Please...”

Daiki release the hug and look at Inoo with his cute puppy eyes. He hope it work but shockingly Inoo just look away and step back. He’s holding his temple. “Urgh... I can feel my head is spinning. You should go to college, I’m going to take a rest and a little sleep. I can’t sleep all night because of you.” Without waiting for a word from Daiki, Inoo left the living room to his bedroom for a rest.

And Daiki... Inoo cold act earlier have stabbed his heart hard and he was frozen on his spot. Now he really, really feel so guilty and despicable of himself for causing trouble to his bestfriend. Inoo-chan gomennasai....


Their fight have make Daiki to be less interested in the lesson. His mind fly far to Inoo who is at home. He realize that he’s at fault here and as a result, he now overwhelmed with a lot of feeling; most of it is guilty and worry. He walk lifelessly through the hallway.

“How can you be so inconsiderate!?”

Daiki knocked his head with the file on his hand. His act have unconsciously hurt his own bestfriend heart. “I need to find a way to solve this problem.” Daiki said determinate. He despise Takaki Yuya but he love Inoo Kei more… so for the latter, will he forgive Yuya?

“Oh god there is no way I will do that!” Daiki exclaimed and slam his head at the file more.


Daiki glance toward his back. oh no… why him!? Daiki screamed on his mind as he rolled his eyes.

“Hey I’m speaking to you…”

Daiki just ignored that person and move from that spot with a quick pace. He is the least person in this college that Daiki wanted to meet. Daiki is ready to run when he realize that he’s been followed. “Why is he so persistent? I state it loud and clear that I don’t want to talk to him in public!” Daiki quickly press the unlock button for his car. As soon as he arrive at his car and want to open the door, somebody have push it back and block his way to escape.

Knowing that he is trapped, Daiki look at the person infront of him angrily. “Go…” He said but that guy aren’t moving even an inch.

“Move or I’ll call the cops!” Daiki threatening him but seems to be useless. The tall guy smiled to him.

“Try calling the cops, that doesn’t scare me at all.”

“Tcks!” Daiki clicked his tongue. “Then go! I’m in hurry!”

“Not until you want to speak with me…”

Daiki try to push him away and open the door. Thanks to his small frame, his effort makes nothing different. “Come on Arioka Daiki… the time is tickling, you’re in hurry right…”

Daiki sighed. “Okay I give up…” He moved back a few step. “I give you just three minutes. Speak fast Yuyan…”

Yuya giggled. “You still calling me that…” He said. Yuyan was his nickname once upon a time when there is still something connected them, and Daiki was the one who come up with it. “You should stop it right…”

“Pardon me… it just slipped from my mouth.”

“Your three minutes almost over Takaki-san, what do you want from me?”

His face changed into serious suddenly. “Arioka…” He paused and inhaled deeply. “Please accept me back…”


When Inoo wake up from his sleep, it’s already pass afternoon. He get up and take a shower to refresh his body. When he finished bathing and change clothes, he checked his phone. There is a message from Daiki saying that he’s sorry for everything. Inoo smiled reading that text from his bestfriend. He wasn’t angry at him, he was just worried… well, who won’t be when suddenly your bestfriend when missing without trace. He checked his inbox again and there is a text message from his boyfriend. Yuya is asking about his condition.

“Oh, I forgot to tell him that I’m at home!” Inoo quickly reply that message.

He put on his coat and grab his wallet. Since it is already past afternoon and he still don’t take his lunch, he thought of eating outside and stop at the store to buy some ingredient for dinner.

When Inoo come back home, Daiki is already there too. Daiki just sit quietly on the sofa with eyes on the tv. He don’t even realize that Inoo is home. Inoo put the ingredient he just bought on a table before he approach Daiki. “Dai-chan?” He said while tapping his hand on the latter shoulder.

Daiki is startled and jerking his body from Inoo touched on his shoulder. He quickly turn his head to Inoo. “I almost get a heart attack!” He yelled to him and rubbing his chest.

Inoo lifted up his eyebrow. “You’re in your own world! You doesn’t even realize that I’m home already!” He yelled back to him and walk away.

Daiki flicked his tongue and scratching his head. He thought that they have reconcile but now seems like they are not. “Oh god, why is his mood so bad today!”

“But mine is bad too…” Daiki sighed hard.

He never saw this coming… after all that happen between them in the past. Daiki take a few step back; as his past experience had taught him, it is best to stay at this distance with Takaki Yuya. Angered feeling flows through his whole body as he send a sharp glare toward Yuya who just a minutes ago ask him to accept him back.

“Are you nut!?”

Yuya shake his head. “No Arioka, I’m dead serious here…”

Sudden he remembered his pieces of memories that he have long forgotten. Oh no!! Daiki suddenly feel dizzy, Daiki hold his forehead and his other hand hold onto his car to support his body from falling down. “Why… why did you do this to me?” He ask the latter.

“No! don’t come closer!” Daiki shouted toward Yuya who is about to help him. He don’t need his help, all he need is time to be alone and calm himself. “Go…” Daiki said in a weak voice and slowly without saying anything, Takaki Yuya move away from Daiki’s car.

“Daiki!” Yuya shouted toward Daiki before he closed the door.

Daiki stop and look at him. “Think about Inoo… he doesn’t know anything.” Daiki hear it but didn’t give a reply. He close the door, start the engine and drive away.

Now when he thought back about the earlier incident with Takaki Yuya, he got more depressed. Daiki switch off the tv and get to his bedroom. He still is slightly dizzy.

Inoo doesn’t know anything…

Daiki throw his body on his bed and lay on his stomach. What Yuya said was true even if he try to deny it. “But it’s not easy to forgive him… I have sworn to myself to never forgive him.”

“Then should I do it for Inoo-chan?” He ask himself that stupid question.

With a heart that still unsure, with a shaking hand Daiki reach for his phone from his jeans pocket. He scroll down through his contact number and found the one he’s looking for. He inhaled deeply first before typing the message he wanted.

Ok, I’ll do it for Inoo-chan. And he pressed the send button.

“I just hope that I did the right things…”


A/N: As I promised, here is an update... please comment your thought; happy reading!

pairing: takanoo, pairing: tadaiki, type: chaptered, rating: pg-13

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