fake memories 11

Nov 17, 2015 01:20

Title: Fake Memories

Author: kuroyukisama_17

Pairing: YutoYama [plus a huge hint of AriYama and HikaNoo]

Genre: AU, BL, slight- angst, fluff, a little dark theme-

Rating: PG-13

A/N: Yuri is a girl here

Chapter 11

Ryosuke screaming as his body jolted up from the bed. When he realize that he was just having another nightmare, Ryosuke release a long sigh. He bring his hand up to massaging his temple.

A few second later, Daiki slam the door open, his face look damn worried as he running to Ryosuke aid. “Yama-chan what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly;

“No… I’m okay.” Ryosuke shake his head and throw his head away from looking at Daiki. How can he possibly tell this guy that he just had a dream about him and Yuto; trying to kill each other. Hell, Daiki will definitely freak out when he knows that and deciding to never stop resent Yuto.

“I’m glad if you’re okay.” Daiki said and smile reassuringly. “Oh, and by the way, today a few maid are coming here to do some cleaning. Well, actually they already are here. Come out for breakfast in ten minutes okay, I’ll be waiting.” Daiki said before he leave Ryosuke.

Ryosuke is about to climb down from his bed when his phone ringing. He take his phone; Yuto just send his a message.

I’m thinking of skipping school today. I wanna meet you, we need a serious talk here. If you still consider me your friend then come; I’ll wait for you infront of your house. I’m expecting you to come.

Ryosuke bite his lower lips. He’s not sure. School or Yuto. He flicked his tongue and toss his phone away. He walk to the bathroom, take a quick bath and then come out to get dress. He wear his school uniform and grab his bag before heading out to the dining room.

When Ryosuke arrive, Daiki is already there munching on his toasted bread. “Hey…” Daiki greet him when Ryosuke pull the chair in front of him.

“I really wish that I could accompany you at school.”

“Eh, why?”

“Urgh Yama-chan, I already told you last week right. Today the team is having another friendly match. Today we are facing that Matsuoka Academy.”

“I heard they are tough. Better be careful; they are famous with their foul play.” Ryosuke warned Daiki and the latter nodding his head.

“Already have that in mind.” He replied and grabbed another bread. “I’ll drop you at school. I won’t let you walk alone.”

Ryosuke nodded his head and continue eating his breakfast in silent. He’s fighting with his subconscious self. Yuto or school.


Ryosuke glance up at the school gate. Daiki just drop his there and leave for his match with his driver. Oh come on~ Dai-chan is not here today, he will never know that you skip school. You wanna meet with Yuto right?

The other student already looking at him weirdly.  Since Ryosuke isn’t doing anything but standing there, looking at the big gate. Ryosuke let out a sigh… “Now what should I do?”


‘Yuto’s POV’

I glance over at my watch. It’s already 8.35 am. I doubt that Ryosuke will come. Since he is currently ignoring me. But somehow, deep inside I’m hoping that he’ll show his face. “Please come Ryosuke…” I begged. I didn’t wait infront of his house. Afraid that I’ll be watched by some of Nishikido Ryo’s men. So I wait for him in my car that I park not far from his house.

Class already started in time like this. When I glance again at my watch. It’s already 9. “So he refuse to come huh…” I said, clearly that I was disappointed with him. I thought that he was different from all those spoiled rich boy from school. But I was wrong. He’s just too coward to step out of his comfort zone and face me.

I drive away, assuming that he’ll never come, then why should I waste my time waiting. My heart is feeling sad. Wait, was I sad that he didn’t show up? Damn Yuto, wake up! What’s wrong with you?! I scolded myself. “Was I sad?” I ask myself out loud.

It’s an obvious question actually. I chuckles. “Well, surprisingly… yes” I confessed.

I am thinking of making a stop at café and call Yuri if she can join me for breakfast which I still didn’t have one since this morning. But someone just caught my attention. I cancel my plan on calling Yuri and quickly drive my car to left and stop exactly beside him. I lowering the windows. He look confuse at first but when he saw me inside, he frown.

“Yu… Yuto!”

“Hey…” I smile and greet him.

“You can drive?” He ask me and I rolled my eyes.

“Sure I can!”


“Oh come on~ it’s not that awesome. Lot of teens at our ages already got their driving license.” I said. A smile formed on my face. “I thought that you won’t come. I glad that you didn’t reject me this time.”

“I’ll blame you if I was busted for skipping school today.” He said. He’s wearing his uniform. I assume that he walked here from school.

“Got that. Hop in.” I said.

“Where are we going?”

“Just get inside, you’ll know later. Trust me, I’m not abducting you.” I said just so that he won’t doubt me.

He shrugged and open the door to the passenger seat.

“Does Daiki know about this?”


“Good; he might hate me more if he knows that I make you skip school.” I feel a little relive. That shorty surely can cause me trouble. So this journey better be mine and Ryosuke secret.


Yuto stop his car after a 45 minutes journey. He get out from his car and Ryosuke following him. Ryosuke creased his forehead. Yuto just parked his car in front of an old house. Ryosuke is about to ask him whose house is this but when he saw the almost fallen name plague; he widen his eyes. He quickly glance toward Yuto who’s showing a pained expression when he touch the old red colored brick fence. The color already faded and there’s a lot of crack. He let out a sigh and turn around facing Ryosuke.

“Welcome to my old house.” Yuto said. He walk forward and push the gate open carefully because its look like it will break in no time. He walk in first, leaving Ryosuke outside still puzzled for the solid reason why did Yuto bring him here.

When Ryosuke realize that Yuto is already disappear inside the house, he quickly get inside too. “Yuto?” He call for him. When there’s no reply, Ryosuke shouted again. This time louder. “Yuto!”

“I’m back here; come here Ryosuke… you need to see this!” Yuto shouted back.

Ryosuke do as instructed. The moment he make a step behind the house, he immediately is paralyzed by the beautiful scenery infront of him. Yuto house is located infront of the sea. Oh my~ where’s they actually?

“It’s so beautiful…” Ryosuke said, completely awed with the view. “Where’s exactly we are Yuto?” Ryosuke asked.

“My hometown, Fukuoka. And this is my old house. I used to live here… with my late parent.”

Yuto moved to back where there is a stone chair and sit there. He instructed Ryosuke to also take a sit next to him and the latter do as he said.

“What is it that you wanna talk about?” Ryosuke break their silent after he realize that Yuto isn’t opening his mouth and just looking over at the sea.

Ryosuke question have bring him back to reality. “Oh sorry. Well, it’s about you… and me.”

“I think you should already know what am I about to ask right?” Yuto said as he turn his head to Ryosuke. “Why did you still avoiding me?”

Maybe because where they are, maybe because he’s stuck here with Yuto until he talk… Ryosuke give up and look at Yuto.

“I’m afraid…”

“Of what? Me?”

“Part of it, yes… but the other half is about myself.”

“I don’t get you…”

“You know me right; I was born with the ability to see through other people future and past. Sometime I saw a good one. But there’s also some time when I saw the bad one.” Ryosuke eyes is locked toward Yuto. His expression which is sad and confuse, send hint to Yuto that this guy, he have saw the bad one. Worse than before when he said that he saw Yuto killed his own father.

“You… I never saw a good one if it’s you. And it’s freaking me. Making me to wanna avoid you. So that I won’t be experiencing another nightmare.”

Yuto just shut his mouth, he lose his word. The next question Ryosuke throw to him, making Yuto nervous.

“Who are you actually Nakajima Yuto?”

Yuto throw his head away from making eye contact with Ryosuke. Damn it! Bringing him here sure is a bad idea! He is not answering the latter question either. But Ryosuke isn’t bother to ask more, he know that Yuto is trying to find the right way to tell him the truth.

“I’m an orphan…”

“I already know that. I wanna know about you, how you end up killing all those innocent people!”

Yuto eyes go wide when Ryosuke mentioned ‘innocent people’. He jumped from his seat, looking down at Ryosuke. “They were not innocent citizen! They were the one who corrupted Japan, backstabbing their own family! They were the bad guys!” Yuto shouted furiously.

When Yuto realize that he shouldn’t have done that. He sit back and close his eyes. Trying to calm himself for his anger. When he open his eyes, he let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry for my outburst. I just can’t stand it when you suspected me killing innocent people. I can guarantee to you that from the beginning until now; never once I killed someone without a reason.” Yuto explained in more gentle voice.

“I’m sorry… I take back what I just said.”

“Do you really wanna hear everything?” Yuto asked and Ryosuke giving him a light nod.

“I hope you won’t regret your decision then. But before that, I just wanna make sure of one thing…” Yuto paused. “I just wanna make sure that you truly understand that I really, really want to be your friend. I don’t know why and I just figure this out recently. But maybe, what have happened to us in the past make me suddenly wanting to give you support. I wanna be like Arioka, someone who can stand beside you.”

“o… okay;” Ryosuke answered short and fast. He’s a little embarrassed… and a little awkward. Its feel like Yuto just confessed to him which is actually yes. But he’s not confessing his love, he only stated his sincerity; as a friend of course!

“Good, now where should I start?”

Ryosuke chuckles. “Start with introducing yourself then.”


“Here’s a question for you Yuto…” Ryosuke said while pointing at Yuto with his spoon.

Its already lunch time and Yuto have asked Ryosuke if he wanted to grab some food first before he send him home and the latter agree. The whole explanation earlier are making his hungry and he crave for food now, so Yuto stop his car at one of local restaurant during their journey back home.

“What is it?”

“Why choose your old house?”

“Easy, because I’m bad at finding good placeses. I just remembered my house that time and without further thinking; I drive us there.”

“You suck!” Ryosuke commented before he sip his strawberry milkshake.

Yuto almost choked his food. “Excuse me! What did you just said?”

“I said that you’re suck.” Ryosuke replied nonchalantly.

Yuto rolled his eyes. “Then where do you expect me to bring you? The beach, park, going on picnic? FYI I’m not taking you on a date; I’m just trying to make everything clear between us. So what’s wrong with my house?” Yuto shouted back, unsatisfied.

“Lower your voice! You’re drawing everyone attention to us!” Ryosuke said, he can feel everyone stare on them. It’s making him uncomfortable. When he see Yuto is about to let out another rant, he quickly apologize. “Okay, okay I’m sorry… there’s nothing wrong with going to your house. I’m just asking, chill out!”

“Good…” Yuto said and then continue eating his food.

“So, wanna tell Arioka about what happen today?”

“Maybe… he deserve to know.” Ryosuke answered and smile. “I can’t wait to tell him.”

“Yeah try do that and I’ll make sure you go home with bus!”

“Oh ho… then you’ll regret it when you know that I didn’t reach home the next 24 hours. Think what’ll happen to you if that really happen?”

Yuto raise his eyebrow. “Are you trying to threatening me?”

“You think?”

“No way; I’m not someone who’ll freak out just because of a threat. Especially from you.” Yuto said confidently. He lean his body closer as he whisper to Ryosuke… “I’m not trying to brag but, I fear no one.”


Both Yuto and Ryosuke turn their head to where that voice come from. For Ryosuke, he just raise his eyebrow since he never meet this girl before but for Yuto, he was shocked and gasped. “Yu… Yuri!?”

“Yuri?” Ryosuke said in wonder as he look at Yuto then turn to that girl again which is on her way to their table. “Is she your girlfriend?”

“No way!” Yuto shouted at him.

“What’re you doing here during school hour?” Yuri asked when she arrive at their table and stand near Yuto.

“Skipping school? Cool; I wonder if Inoo know about this?” Yuri said with a smirk on her face. But like Yuto just said, he fear no one and by no one; it’s including his teammate.

“Not your matter. And stop that sneaking hand of yours from touching me!” Yuto said as he pulled Chinen Yuri arms from his shoulder.

But Yuri just ignored him and asked another question. “On a date?”

“Seriously, could you just look who’s sitting in front of me, urgh!?” Yuto rolled his eyes. He can never stand Yuri.

When Yuri turn her head to Ryosuke, she look surprise. “Oh…” She blink her eyes twice.

“Hi… Yamada Ryosuke desu.” Ryosuke greeted her.

“Oh, I’m Yuri. Chinen Yuri.” She stretch her hand to Ryosuke. And Ryosuke gladly to accept and handshake with her. “Oh by the way, I’m Yutti girl friend. And can I borrow him for a few minutes?”

“Sure, take your time.”

“Thanks.” Yuri thanked him and quickly dragged Yuto out from the restaurant.

When they already standing at a quiet area behind the restaurant. Yuri finally let go of Yuto hand. “I got something for you.” She said then reach for her jeans pocket. She take out her smartphone and show it to Yuto.

Yuto eyes goes wide. “You got to be kidding me!”

Yuri draw back her phone from Yuto face and take a look at the screen. “I can’t believe myself either when I have my hand on this information. This just adding another prove that this whole mission about Yamada was just a screenplay. A camouflage to hide the truth.”

“So you’re saying that Yabu-san somehow was connected with Nishikido Ryo and they are planning to take down Yamada family together?”

“I’m afraid to make assumption. He’s our leader. Without him, RAACA won’t last till today.”

“I always thought something was wrong.”

“And by the way, this photo was taken about ten years ago. It was quite an old photo already, lot of things change in ten years. I change, you change… and maybe him too.”

Yuto sigh and nodding his head while leaning his back on the wall. “I trust him. And I doesn’t want to betray that trust.” Yuto said in a low voice. “He’s the one who encourage me to keep living. I own him a lot.”

“Correct that Yuto. It was his father who adopted you. Not him.”

“Indeed, he was like an older brother to me. He’s the only family I have now Yuri.”

“I know…” Yuri responded slowly. She clearly know Yuto’s feeling. Not just him, but she also. The reason why she could afford to have a better life was because Yabu’s father offer her to work with them. if she didn’t take this job back then; she might still be lurking somewhere around Japan- selling information and breaking through the government system, helping the scoundrel and rogue getting what they want.

“I better go back. And thanks for the info Yuri.”

“Your welcome, enjoy your little date!” She waved her hand toward Yuto who is just showing an annoyed expression on his face as he walk away.

Since when did this become a date!

Yuto come back ten minutes later. Ryosuke raised his eyebrow. “Your girlfriend?” He asked and Yuto quickly shake his head while frowning.

“Just a friend. Finish your food and let’s go home before Arioka found out that you’re not going to school today.”

“Roger that.”


Sorry that I leave without telling you;
But I got a call. He’s going to meet Ryosuke today.
Get your team ready too.

Inoo folded back the note left behind by Hikaru and slip it in his pocket. Since he go pick up Hikaru two days ago at the club, getting drunk all over; babbling something about crushing Nishikido Ryo and his business. Before someone might heard him, Inoo decided to bring Hikaru to his house and let him sleep there. Hikaru doesn’t say anything the next day when he wake up and completely shutting himself in the guest room. But when he read this note, he sense something big is going to happen soon.

Inoo run out from his house again still wear the same outfit he wear to school this morning, he doesn’t have time to mind to change his clothes first. He take out his phone, scrolling down through his contact list and click at Yuto number’s phone. He isn’t planning to attack or do something reckless. He’s wanna Yuto to go check on Ryosuke, make sure where his location is. Who knows what Nishikido Ryo will do to him? That guy know no rule. But Nishikido Ryo can’t kill Ryosuke, at least not yet. He can’t kill, but he still can abduct him…

“Yuto, where are you?” He asked.

“On my way home, why?”

“Turn back, Ryosuke is in danger… go to Arioka house; I’m on my way too.”

Inoo hang up before he can hear any reply from Yuto. He get inside his car and drive to Daiki’s house since he knows that Ryosuke is living there now. He really hope that the latter is home. He knows that both Yuto and Ryosuke was not at school this morning.


Since Inoo cut the call halfway, Yuto can’t tell him where exactly Ryosuke is. The latter is not at Daiki’s house, he’s at his own house. He knows since he is the one that drop him there about half an hours ago. Ryosuke said he miss his own home and thought of wanting to take a look around the house, so he definitely still there.

Yuto make a sharp turn and speeding up. While his right hand is at the steering wheel, the other one stretched through the passenger seat next to him. Yuto lowered his body a little while his eyes glued to the road. His hand roamed below the seat. Gotcha! He shouted, there’s two of them. And old one and the newest that he got just last week. Since this is just for caution, Yuto decided to take the old one. He is not planning to fire it. Ryosuke will not know his existent there, he’s just gonna make sure that he’s fine. His action will be decided on the consequence of their meeting.

Yuto parked his car, far from Ryosuke house. He walk out, taking along his pistol with him. He silently examining the area, watching any sign of Nishikido Ryo or Ryosuke. He didn’t need to be that close with Ryosuke. When Yuto realize that Nishikido Ryo is already confronting Ryosuke, he quickly turning on his mic that’s connected with a micro speaker he just implanted it on Ryosuke’s uniform earlier on their hang out.

“Ryosuke dear~ its been a very long time since we see each other right.”

“Back off! Don’t even think of touching me with your dirty hand!”

Yuto is a bit surprise with Ryosuke word attack, its shows that the latter despite his uncle so much. He keep on listening;

“Does I really look that bad in your eyes? After all I have done for you?”

Ryosuke cringe. He take a step backward; distancing himself further from his uncle. “You have done nothing!” His voice is rough as he send a sharp glare toward Nishikido Ryo.

“Go away; I don’t need you here, I can live on my own.” Ryosuke said, he deliberately look at Nishikido Ryo, showing him that he really mean what he said. But that only make his uncle to giggle and smirk.

“Poor little Ryo… you should realize that if it’s not because of me; you were already death. Killed by your own father, remember that I’m the one who save our family from that scum. How ungrateful you’re to throw me away though that all I think is the best of you.”

Ryosuke bite his lower lips; trying hard to swallow his uncle words deep in his heart. It’s hard to admit it, but it was true. His uncle maybe a little evil, but without him that night, he won’t escape safe and sound. “I’m sorry…” Ryosuke slowly apologize while lowering his head.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind it. And by the way, I come here just to remember you about your birthday party. Soon you’ll turn seventeen, and I’m so excited to throw a big party for you.”

“I don’t want too… I don’t want a party.”

“Too bad, I have finish everything needed for the party, you have to come.”

“Then I’ll bring friends.”

“Go on, bring as many as you want.” Nishikido Ryo move forward while stretching his arms wide, trying to give his nephew a big hug but Ryosuke take a step backward and bowed his body.


“Umm, I need to go now; good bye.” Ryosuke quickly opening the gate and get inside before he let out a relive breathe.

Nishikido Ryo knows that Ryosuke is still standing behind the gate, so he decided to ask his nephew something. “Ryosuke, have you ever heard of Yamada’s treasure? Or should I said, your grandfather’s will?”

There is no answer from inside but he knows someone is listening. “He want you to take his place. So come out and try act as he want.” With that Nishikido Ryo retreat.

“I’ll send Yaotome-san to pick you up later.”

He giggle. If he did respond to that, saying that there’s no such a thing. Its mean he know about it already. But seems like he doesn’t know anything. Good, now all I have to do is stick to the plan.

You destroy me Ryosuke, now it’s time for some get back!


Yuto put down his weapon and sighed deeply. Lucky that, there is nothing bad happening. They are just having a conversation. But this doesn’t mean he can feel ease. Nishikido does planning to end everything. And he plan to do it big. He want to destroy Ryosuke on his own birthday. And the latter was completely unaware.

Yuto texting Inoo as soon as he get to his car. Saying that Ryosuke is here at his own house and save. He’s about to press the send button before some idea popup inside his mind. He look back at the message and add something at the end of it.

‘I plan to take Ryosuke with me; from now on, he’ll be living with me.’

Yuto send the message and drive toward Ryosuke house. The gate is not locked so Yuto just get in. He’s about to call Ryosuke name but stopped and widen his eyes when he found the latter, sitting on the grass. Silently crying. He hold his knees and bury his face in it.

Yuto crouching down, lightly touching his shoulder; he asked what’s wrong.

“Hika betray me…”

“Now each and everyone of my family have turned evil!”

Yuto doesn’t know how to respond to that and just throwing his arm to Ryosuke, embracing the latter and trying to calm him down. “It’s okay, I’m here… let out everything.”

“I don’t have any relative anymore. Someone who won’t see me without any motive.”

“You still have me Ryosuke, come with me Ryosuke; live with me. I can guarantee you that I can help you.”

His mind is in mess, but Yuto hug manage to give him some warm, giving him a small light of hope. Ryosuke nod his head. After all the thing this guy have told him; he somehow get the feeling that he can rely on him.

He got the feeling that Yuto really can take him out of his own family problem.


A/N: Hey guys! as for this chapter, I'm going to say something. Well, maybe some reader already getting bored over this story since there is not much of pairing in here. well, let me tell you something;

the idea of writing this story come out when I thought of some some story that were quite open, where the main attraction is about their bond and friendship with a little shipping in it. that is how this story is maded and I never want to change it.

I really do want YutoYama moment to appear more frequent in here, and I'm trying my best to let it happen. they are friend in here; haha~

I really glad that there is still someone out there want to read this story, thanks!

pairing: ariyama, pairing: hikayama, type: chaptered, pairing: hikanoo, yutoyama fanfics, rating: pg-13, pairing: yutoyama

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