Title: Fake Memories
kuroyukisama_17 Pairing: Yaotome x Yamada, Yamada x Nakajima
Genre: AU, slice of life, slight comedy, slight angst, Romance, supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Summary: being born in a rich family and having special talent had made his life full with lies and hypocrisy.
(Warning: switching gender - Yuri)
Yuto is telling his self to not even bother going there, but unfortunately his feet didn’t obey him. Now, Yuto standing still while looking straight at Ryosuke body lying on the ground. )
Comments 4
>.< hahahah oh well I'll wait on what she will bring to OTP :D
And Inoo is one of them?
Will wait for the next :D
well Chinen will play as the important role in making OTP to get together, and yeah, Inoo also one of them
Thanks for reading and commenting ^^
also curious what actually happen with ryosuke in the past about his mother ne~
thanks for update anyway and can't wait for the next chapter ^^
I will try to update soon (if there is no problem)
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