Title: The Heralds of the White God chapter 16 - The Earth Moves
Rating: M
Warnings: None this chapter.
Summary: In which Kurogane has a revelation about his traveling companions, and Sakura calls Fei Wong Reed on his bullshit.
Author's Notes: I referenced it briefly in previous chapters, but just to make it clear, Sakura can tell accurately and reliably when someone is lying to her. Consequently, ALL of Fei Wong Reed's statements after "So be it," are literally and factually true (or at least, in the case of opinion statements, something he truly believes.) Also: Hooray, Fai reappears this chapter!
You tricked me! You're a horrible, cruel person and I don't want to help you any more! I want to go home! )
~to be continued...
(Crossposted from Dreamwidth)