Title: Cat Treat
Comments/Warnings: Complete in 705 words, rated T for m/m relationship and blood-drinking, fluffy romance. Post-series with spoilers for Tokyo.
fieldofclover admitted that blood-drinking wasn't exactly "fluffy" and the idea of being able to write a fluffy blood-drinking scene promptly became an extremely tenacious brain-worm that refused to be dislodged. And so this ficlet was born~
( The proper care and feeding of a former vampire... ) Title: On Being Loved
Comments/Warnings: Complete in 340 words, rated T for m/m relationship, fluffy romance. Post-series with only a vague end-of-story spoiler you might not even notice.
He never let Fai hold his hand in public, however, and the wizard wondered about it. ) Title: Remembrance
Comments/Warning: Written in response to a request at
clampkink that wanted Kurogane to see traits of his mother in Fai. Complete in 2,537 words, rated T for m/m relationship, fluffy romance. Post-series with general spoilers for LeCourt and the end of the story.
( Kurogane had returned, not only to the right paths and to Nihon, but to Suwa. )