Title: From the Beginning
Co-written by: youkohiei-fan and Zelinxia
Overall Summary: Canon AU. Eleven-year-old Kurogane and his father are summoned to Shirasagi Castle where he meets Fai, a boy from a different world. What becomes an instant friendship sets in stone an indelible bond for the two.
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Fai was over sixteen and things had been changing a lot for him. )
Comments 1
Anyway, I am looking forward to the encroaching reunion, as it may not be as joyful as I imagined, considering the changes Kurogane had gone through. He is still so caught up in being stronger. I am still hoping for some good parental advice. I am definitely warming up to Kuro-parents. They just seem so laid back, probably because they've been through it all and had much life experience.
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