I realize I haven't uploaded anything in a long time, so here is a weird little fanfic! :)
Couple harsh words from Kuro-pie but nothing you haven't heard before.
Rate: PG-ish
WARNING: Harshing of your mello, and angsty Fai and angsty Kuro, and BS-ing of the characters D: OOC majorlyyyy~
Summary: Kurogane and Fai have a little fight (doesn't really go into it) and Fai doesn't ever want to talk to him. Kurogane is feeling like he needs to do something, but hell he cant figure out what it is. This is sort of like a friendship fic.
When they were little they used to hang out by a tree before school started, they would meet there and play at the surrounding park then head off for school when it was time to go. Oddly enough as they started highschool their meeting place never changed, and Kurogane found himself standing under it just like old times. If by old, you mean a little more then a week ago. That's when this bullshit happened, and now the man ignored him in the hallway and even avoided looking at him all together. He even gave up the nicknames (hell he didn't even say his real name either), and that pissed him off. It seemed like he was just another person. And that hurt. He would never admit it, but he had missed the man's company and it came to the point where he actually needed the man around him to feel comfortable, to him it was like he was missing out on air.
Standing by this tree was making him sader, and that was not an emotion he particularly liked.
This tree was always there for Fai and him. They climbed it endlessly through the years and they came to this spot whenever they needed to get away and just talk about stupid things. He remembered the first time Fai had climbed it, and how he got stuck on the very top and how he had to climb up there to retrieve his crying friend. Then he remembered how Fai had taken out his knife one day and carved their names into the tree trunk (Kurogane's name being some form of nickname: "Kuro-pu"). He let his hand cover Fai's name and let his forehead hit the trunk with a dull inaudible thump.
"Good morning Kurogane" A voice called from the side. Anymore deep in thought and he would have missed the hollow voice of the blonde who had once smiled up at him.
Lifting his head up he turned around and starred awkwardly at his friend, "What are you doing here?" the blond asked quietly.
"Waiting for you." his voice grumbled as Fai turned his head so that his eyepatch was in plain view, almost like he was trying to piss him off. Like it was his way of telling him 'You see this Kurogane? It's all your fault and you know it.'.
"Because I dont think this if how you want us to end." he placed his palm over Fai's name again, as Fai snapped his head up almost angrily. "And how would you know that?" he glared at him with his last blue eye, and he already felt his heart ache. "Because I do." Fai took this as something funny because Kurogane heard him take a little breath in to only let it out shortly after to give a brief laugh.
"You were never good with words Kurogane." he added after another brief laugh, and continued to look up at him before turning away. The red eyes were too much for him to bear, they knew he was lying right through his teeth and yet Kurogane never stopped him from forming one more lie for old times sake. "You dont understand anything, do you?" he paused.
"Dont you ever get tired of all this? Of falling back on someone whenever you need comfort? Of just feeling like breathing is a sin?" Kurogane could of sworn the man was about to cry, looking down at the man he saw that there was a self-loathing smile on his face and Fai looked back up.
"It hurts Kurogane, and I just cant handle this anymore. I cant handle you anymore."
Those words stung. He knew they did by the way Kurogane's eyes seemed to hollow out, like he had just killed his own mother right in front of him. He didn't say anything else as he turned around and walked back home, school was out of the question for the next couple of days until his heart could piece itself back together.
Kurogane swore up and down that the wetness on his cheek was not a teardrop, that it was the rain that happened to fall 'it's fitting' he sighed heavily and sat down, back against the tree. '...very fitting'. He watched the blonde walk away, unspoken words hanging on his tounge like a leftover mess. Wasn't he supposed to say something? Anything would do.
Fai was right. Kurogane was never good at talking to others.
God he was fucked up.