Well, let’s see, we are without power right now O.o
Just a minute ago I was all excited and stuff >.> Soda does wonders!
Oh yeah, I was going to say something which was similar to this. It was a small recording of what I thought just above.
PUPPY BOY! *huggles* Cutie!
Okay… >.> It.. is.. dark
Except the beautiful moon light outside! I don’t know why I am so bouncy (accept that soda) Man, it put me in a good mood. Ups and downs, but at the moment, I am way up! The only thing I wish was that we get some damn power cause I was talking to a very close friend and right now I can’t communicate with him cause it’s not past 9pm yet T-T See how much I depend on those damn times? *kicks imaginary cell phone line* Darn it all!
Anyway, the power company doesn’t know what happened and are now sending out a crew, which means that it may be an awful long time before I can really post this journal XD Oh well, I guess things happen, plus it makes life a little adventurous. I want to talk to someone right now... wonder who I should call… so quiet around here.. *clicks on computer for music* Thank goodness for laptop batterah’s! X3 *blinks* now.. if only I had remembered that all my moosic is on the other laptop *cries* >.< Oh well, guess I’ll live for now. Whoa… creeped out… I thought I just saw a person come into the room… and no one was there… *shivers* ALRIGHT! I’m gonna post this later when everyone has power or I’m not alone in here! JA!
>.> *looks around* Alright… I’m back 20 minutes later cause I plugged in the land line phone instead of our cordless phones *sniffle* Oh well, at least these work without power *nod nod* Now I’m back and talking to a friend on the phone *pets phone* Life line… life… line… O.o’’ No one saw that... *blink blink*
I am very animated, yes, that’s how I am tonight. I don’t know why, it is weird. Yes… weird… Eh heh heh.
Anyway! More Picha’s! Cause I’m fricken bored sitting here… for now over an hour..
Yay! Picha’s rock my socks! >o<
So now I still sit here wondering what to do… it’s 9:15 pm here, and I just found out that it will be 10:30 (around that time) when it comes back on… it’s been off since 8:04pm *sigh* wow... that’s a while. I can’t even read for my homework! *twitches* Damn it all! What a terrible time for the power to go out for a procrastinator! And I was doing good cause it’s the night before the night before… O.o’’ XD Yeah, sounds kind of confusing, huh? X3 CURSE DIS WOWALD X3
So now I leave you with this accursed thought. Meddle over it and think it through! O.O’’ *stares at you making sure you look it over*