Hey there Nurmek, it's a week day >.> Monday, oi.
Just wanted to say how happy you made me... thank so much for that, it really means a lot that I can talk to you. I know I say that a lot, but it's true what I say, and I stick to it, there's no denying what joy it brings me. It really eased up my night, though I'm sorry for keeping you up so late. I was thinking by the time I went to bed you were probably going to be getting up soon. I ended up staying awake till about 2:40am. Basically I was working on the bio project that I should hae had finished a lot earlier (heh heh, so I slept instead) and even then it wasn't done which I found out right before we were supposed to present. I was freaking out because my partner ended up coming in late and I need the stuff he had. I figured he didn't abandon me, but still, you know? I wasn't sure if I was going to get done it time u.u But, fortunate for me, it was fine. That brings me up to the next point of my art project which I just got back today, for a moment. I got full credit (even though I was finishing it in the car just minutes before) and she wanted to make copies of it for future reference O.o I was so suprised and happy about it. Man, it's monday, but things are going pretty well, considering I don't have lab on Tuesday anymore so I get to sleep in after I drop Andrea off! *cha ching motion* All I need now is a some what decent grade on my physical science test, the class I'm about to go into... I just hope everything was okay.
Well, I probably should get going... and here I had like 25 extra minutes or so before my next class. Guess I'll have to write about my dream later on to continue this entry. Just have to remember >.< Hint hint, the pictures greatly remind me of things >.> See yah then!