Sep 08, 2009 11:12
Getting to go to Penny Arcade Expo 2009 = AWESOME
Getting to meet the cast of X-Play = AWESOME
Meeting up with old friend and making a bunch of new ones = AWESOME
Flipping your car @ 60 MPH on I-5 = NOT AWESOME
My car is totaled, but at this point, I'm just happy I didn't hit anyone else and that everyone made it out okay. It's a very strange feeling to be in your car and suddenly see everything that's not held down fall up. Also I'm going to freak out any time that I hear a car so much as peel out for the next couple of weeks.
As for what happened, I was trying to get into the left lane for a left-side exit. Checked my mirror and didn't see anyone, but when I head checked as I was turning into the lane there was a car RIGHT THERE. I over-corrected, started swerving back and forth out of control, and finally my car started spinning out. We hit the right-side divider and skidded along that 'til we hit a sign, which whipped us around and caused my car to roll. It's a miracle, but all of us made it out just fine. The worst injury was my friend Erik, who cracked his thumbnail a bit.
... Yeah.