Jun 07, 2007 23:10
*dusts her LJ from the dust it gathered*
Ah... see its been a while... didn't I say this would happen eventually >.< My interest would wander away and I would eventually stop posting. Then again I promised Hyper I'd post again... and today was.... i guess it could be categorized as weird...maybe? *<-----is still wondering about that*
So on with today's events. So like everyday for the past...week..no wait... 2 weeks now ^-^...(it seems more like a month) I've been getting up early to go to my summer classes. Dammit its friggin hard. I had forgotten how to wake up so early... Im so used to waking up at 10:30 to get to my first class which has always been at 11:30...*grumbles* Anyway i digress.... so during my break...(I'm in the city for my classes...or for those of you not from around here... the city = Manhattan) I went to the Borders a block away. I decided I was going to treat myself with some manga.. since I've been good about going to class and managing to NOT doze off after the first 15 minutes..... i usually wait 30 minutes before i loose complete consciousness....xD
So I get there and am perusing the manga section when a girl out of the blue starts t talk to me (it all started with "oh I've read Death Note too") Ah! the joys of anime/manga bringing people together lol
Anyway... we get to talking about what we like (sadly she doesn't like yaoi..T_T...she's more into shoujo >.>) and out of the blue she gets up an asks me about advice on relationships.. I had a WTF moment there... wondering why she would even ask... a complete stranger for advice, but being the nice person that i am.. i decided to try my best and help her... Needless to say it was an unusual situation. Especially since i tried to hint to keep our voices down... for a semblance of privacy... she went off about her problems and didn't care who heard her (I was embarrassed for her..>.<;;) But yeah, who asks random people with that kind of help... she even made me question my career choices... maybe i should have been a psychologist... listen to people ramble on and on about their problems.... but then I'd probably just smack 'em and tell them to go cry on someone else's shoulder ..uh.... yeah definitely not a job for me.
So other than that weird?... i don't know how to categorize that event yet...haha ,.....this next one... is for all you Ugly Betty Fans...(if there are any who read this)
I was on the train...(NY subway.. sucks!.. but thats a whole other story i won't get into) And I suddenly see this woman with this pin on her shirt saying "ask me for a great way to loose weight".. Naturally i smirk, thinking its oddly funny, and just happen to look down and see her holding a duffle bag with HERBALIFE written on it. So i look again, thinking its just my UB deprived mind... making me see things.. (cuz those who watch UB know that Hilda, Betty's sister worked for it.) and i could have sworn... it was just FICTIONAL.
Either I was wrong and it exists... or people are taking their new fixation with Ugly Betty to a new level...>.>;;
*looks at entry*.. yeaaaa.... thats a lot of work typing all that up... I'll go read some more Gravitation now....
ugly betty,