Relaaaaaaaax xDD

May 25, 2008 04:03

OH yeah, finaly, my exams are over!! x3

I´m very happy about it, as i don´t have to study for more exams for now! xD -until selectivity TTOTT -


It´s just one day after my birthday! So i won´t be able to celebrate it till those exams are over! TTOTT -yeah, but when i´m done, i go partying all night long! (8) xDDD - and maybe i´ll get a piercing on my lip *___* -oh, i love those piercings xDDD - yeah!

I´m eager to move to madrid! x3 as i won´t be seeing my parets too often, i can do whatever i want xDD - yeah, i´l dye my hair and so on xDDD -

Oh, i´m sleepy right now TTOTT -it´s ten past 4 in the morning xDD - but i´m listening to a tribute to phantasmagoria xDD -OMG, until now, all the groups have ignored KISAKI´s parts! O____o i can´t hear the bass!! wait... there´s no bass O_o U___U that´s not a good tribute! KISAKI´s the leader xDD -well, maybe it´s because i´m sleepy that i don´t hear it xDDD -could be there xDD -

Well, i think i´ll go to get some sleep xDDD

Tomorrow we´ll be joining again to "play" the guitars and bass x3

Buuu~t before i leave, i´ll tell you that my friend Aura

ningyobutterfly  and I have created a writing LJ ^^ 
it is
You´ll find only yaoi fics for now xDD 
And please, if you want to read the fics, you have to ask to be added to friends -there´s only one fic you can read without becoming one xD - sooo~ take a look at them if you want ^O^

See youuuu~
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