Bills, bills and more bills

Feb 16, 2010 17:36

...not that I really care >_________>

Promised pictures:

Jerlene complained of how smirky Draguna always was. Thus, I made him frown when I redid his latest faceup 8Dv Now he looks like a vampire lord. My Aunt saw him when she came visiting. She simply said "cannot ta-han". Ahahah 8Dv

I got so fed up with doing the lowerlash.>________>

Tenessa's new hoodie. Apparently it's soft and squishy like a quilt. The best thing was, it was quite cheap 8Dv

Late CNY pictures of Dela:

Pictures were horribly editted by Windows Picture Viewer. >_____>
We did the bulk of visiting relatives today. For 3 out of the 4 houses we went to, there were dogs! Oh so adorable dogs. All the better to persuade my mom with. Before that we even visited Pet Movers to check out if they had any Italian Greyhounds.

I prefer things on 4 legs than on 2.

dolls faceups, rambles, cny

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