Title: He Bangs The Drums (2/2)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7072
Pairing: Doctor/Master
Warnings: Unhinged Doctor, dub-con, but a sort of happy ending
Summary: Post-EoT (but still Ten), the Doctor persuades the Master to stay in the TARDIS to recover, and takes desperate measures to help him stay safe.
After taking on the drums, the Doctor is beginning to
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Your comment that you often write the Doctor's POV when you prefer the Master did strike a chord with me actually, even though I have written rather a lot of Master POV... I think the attraction of writing Doctor (and other - I'm fond of doing that where the Master is concerned too!) POV about the Master is that I love to explore him through other people's eyes, if that makes any sense? Looking for new reactions to him and so forth. I never, ever get tired of that (at least, not yet). I hope you'll write more DW fic.
I'm so glad you liked my Mad Dogs fic! I had great fun writing that one, let me tell you! It's not quite finished, and then I've already started a Series 2 story - a kind of 'what happened next?' fic... not sure how far I'll go with it before S2 airs (they haven't even begun filming yet but apparently John is signed up for it *hurrah*....
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