So I just watched Heroes and I have to
say that my new ship on this show is Sylar/Sylar. SERIOUSLY.
PS: Mohinder and Matt are gaaaaaay and not even hiding it. but oh, Mohinder, you can do so much better! leave your "wife" and "kid!"
PPS: I hate West. a lot. and hating him makes me hate Claire, too. also, who has a name like West? unless it's short for Westley? and he is just NOT cool enough to associate with The Princess Bride.
PPPS: (hi, I keep forgetting things) so D.L. died, apparently. and here at the end of last season I was whining about how they didn't kill enough people (still kinda wish more would have bitten it). would've been nice to know this last season or, oh, two episodes ago. anyway, I hope Micah stays in New Orleans and maybe Niki's storyline will be interesting this season. but I'm not betting on it.