Full Name: AOYAMA RIKU 青山 陸 / あおやま りく
Stage Name: RIKU
Birthday: AUGUST 10, 1994
Position: Vocalist, Performer
Home: Saitama, Japan
Blodd Type: A
Hight: 175 CM
_riku_r.m.p.g_ldh- Hobbies: Watching movies
- Specialty: Freestyle dancing, playing football, boxing
- Wrote the lyrics of "Song for You" together with Kawamura Kazuma and Yoshino Hokuto when they were in New York.
- After graduating from high school, he began attending EXPG in Tokyo while working part-time to pay for it.
- Auditioned for VBA 2, but didn't make it.
- Close friends with Iwaya Shogo.
- Often shares shoes with Zin.
- Described as a clumsy member. He almost ruined LIKIYA's surprise birthday by showing the private group chat to him.
- Good at playing football / soccer. He used to play football from his childhood until high school.
- Like to go to the gym.
- If he wouldn't have become an entertainer/singer, he would've been a psychology teacher.
- The other members scold him if he gets lazy.
- His first impression of the group members was scary.
- He likes to play the piano.
- Used to be the centre of the group, but the position was reappointed to Kawamura Kazuma.
- He was in ROUTE B in their Musha Shugyo.
- He like omurice and doesnt like eggplant