That's okay. Don't hurt yourself thinking about it. I'm sorry to hear that, Shidou. How about we pick any day of the year, and make it your birthday? Except for this one. It belongs to Near.
Let's make it the 30th, instead. It gives us all a chance to recover from the rampant lovemaking Near's birthday celebrations. And it gives you a few days to look forward to it.
What kinds of gifts does a Shinigami like? Apples?
ooc: Playing with Shidou is always win. /laughing forever
Okay. But before we make it official, I'd like to voice a fear of mine. You aren't planning to do to me the same things that you have been doing to him as a celebration, right? I don't think that you would, but I want to make sure first because you humans are tricky.
...It's actually the first time that someone asks me what I like. I haven't had the chance to think about it yet.
You always ask things that leave me thinking for a long time, human.
I'm sorry to hear that, Shidou. How about we pick any day of the year, and make it your birthday? Except for this one. It belongs to Near.
[It's actually a genuine question, he simply doesn't understand.]
I like feeling important.
ooc: I'd so watch a sitcom with Mello and Shidou being roommates.
I need a birthday.
What day should I choose? Would tomorrow be good?
((ooc: HAHAHA. I'm going to name that "comment of the day" www And I'd watch it too.))
Let's make it the 30th, instead. It gives us all a chance to recover from the rampant lovemaking Near's birthday celebrations. And it gives you a few days to look forward to it.
What kinds of gifts does a Shinigami like? Apples?
ooc: Playing with Shidou is always win. /laughing forever
...It's actually the first time that someone asks me what I like. I haven't had the chance to think about it yet.
Oh, wait. I like your chocolate.
Oh. Will my own chocolate taste the same? I just like chocolate.
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