Okay! I don't have any cool shirt, or googles, or any cigar. So I didn't want to make Sims3 Matt yet.
However, I downloaded a very cool hair that had been converted by the always awesome
xizarx , so I went ahead with the first and quite unfinished version of Matt. I don't know if this can even be considered Matt ver.1. More like Matt ver. 0.5 (^^;
This is what Matt looked like when I created him in CAS.
I was "let's see if those sunglasses work as goggles."
...But as you can see, they don't.
So don't worry, I removed them asap wwww
This is Matt in game, playing videogames in his laptop.
I wish that his shirt wasn't as chubby, but that's how all the default clothes are ;;
I've been searching for a custom one that will make his body look better, but I haven't found any suitable one yet.
The traits I gave him, if I remember well, were good sense of humour, good at computers, hates outdoors, lazy, and I can't remember the last one *sweatdrops*.
He's supposed to be a laid back and friendly guy. However... one day, he woke up...
...And observed the table right beside his bed. (He was observing it for real and on his own).
Nothing strange so far.
But suddenly, he...
"WHY, WORLD, WHY!!!!!!!!!"
"No... this table... It shouldn't be here... This is not my table..."
"I'll get revenge for this. I swear it over the grave of my parents!!!"
After this strange and mysterious situation that looked like taken from any emo fic, and after much thinking from my side, I've concluded that Matt simply needed a cigarette.
Since I don't have any in game, I've drawn it for him.
And so he relaxed.
And then, he smiled.
The world is a beautiful place again!
And last but not least...
When I created Matt, I forgot to choose his different clothes. I only chose what his normal clothes would be like, so the other ones were created naturally.
When he went to sleep...
...I didn't expect to find what I did...
Wait, what.
What was that.
Matt's nerdy tastes. They are unrivaled.
That's all for today! I couldn't play more than 10 minutes yesterday, so he didn't meet anyone yet. Hopefully, I'll play more in the future, this is fun!