Jun 10, 2010 01:26
Day started bad, but then I watched Robin Hood at the cinema (*A*)
W-what a good movie, I don't get why some people complained about it. I love it so much! Has anyone else watched it?
I've been a big fan of Gladiator, so Robin Hood was an instant want for me. It did deliver. (And this might sound odd, but for once I love the actor's Spanish dub voice to pieces. I always love watching his movies just to hear that voice *sweatdrops*).
Then I came back home and I read the sweetest comment ever on facebook (><) /////// ...It has put me in such a happy mood *feels loved* ;;
On a very weird note, tomorrow I'd like to play a MM scene. I don't know why I'm in a sudden mood to explore MM *falls*. Perhaps I miss Ads so much after having been reminded about it from several sources, or perhaps I just need to do something crazy. It's going to be interesting in any way!
I should sleep because I'll be owned tomorrow, but I'm so hyper right now dfdgdfhfghg
death note