Last con report. Day 3.

Jun 01, 2010 23:45

Here is the report of the last day of Anime North!

Wonder Cookie's turn! I look so sad in that photo wwwwwwwww
I only wore two pannier instead of three because I didn't want to faint ;;

Detail of lollipop accessory that I bought here in Canada (*3*)

This was the first lolita I found, and she's SO BEAUTIFUL gdfgfd (if you are that lolita and read this, please let me know if it's okay to post your photo! I was told that most people were okay with it, but just in case... ^^;)

And the lolita community waiting to go to the tea party. Everyone looked so perfect and pretty, and once more they were so nice to me (TwT)

I didn't attend the tea party because I didn't want to separate from my friends for too long (I made the trip to be with them, after all ^^). And so epic Death Note moments happened.

Ciara!Near was busy building a card tower, like the professional she is.

It's awesome that she can do that www

Then, the mysterious and very funny L from the previous day (see report 2) appeared again!!!

...Without his shirt because he'd gotten himself dirty after rolling all over the floor during the con (^^;

He was like a monkey wwwww

L watched his successor play with cards, and they even worked on Near's white puzzle together =^^=

Then......... rabu-rabu moments randomly happened. *HEARTS*

(I've always shipped LN and this makes me so happy in the heart TwT)

This is what Matt was doing while such a thing was happening.

DS'ing. What else.

Zeda-chan cosplayed Matt that day, so we had no Mello (T_______________T) 
No Mello makes me sad in the heart. So here you have more monkey L after he got a replacement shirt on www

About to write his MSN on the Death Note.

And here you have Halle Lidner, L, and Near (with Mello's photograph) (*o*)

Ciara-chan's friend was cosplaying Halle, she was SO PRETTY and looked so serious as Halle, great great!!!

Serious Halle makes me happy in the heart too.

Many fun things happened in the con, it was a great and very interesting experience, and I'm glad that I could participate on it.

Bye bye Anime North! Maybe we'll meet again someday! (^o^)

Today, Zeda-chan left. It was so sad ;;
Ciara-chan will see her again in two months, something to look forward to (^^)
But I don't think that I'll see her ever again. So for me there's just the memory of all the things she said and did.

spk, near, cosplay, lolita, l, matt, death note, mello, photos

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