キタ━━( ゚∀゚)━━!!
Thank you
tribute2animes for the link!! She's found photos of the whole
Case File #2 collection in this entry.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
-I had been hoping that they'd make more than one Mello and one Near, and that the other Near would be sitting. So I'm glad =^^=
-This Mello is eating chocolate, while the other one is holding his gun. My life is complete!!!
-The Japanese (girl?) who posted this says that Mello's waist is so sexy *LAUGHS*. Even nendoroid puchi Mello is such a heartbreaker.
-Mello's expression is pure love. PURE LOVE. That little fang, those huge, shocked eyes that are looking at Near in the photo~ ♥
-Near's fingerpuppets!!! SO SMALL AND CUTE!! It's a pity that they seem stuck, since I'd have liked to place Mello and Near together. But I guess that they alternated characters from L team with Kira team, so that Kira team ends up surrounded by L team.
-Near twirls his hair, or attempts to do so ♥
The person who took the photos posted a pic of sitting Near and sitting L eating together in their own personal fashion, it was really adorable! (My favourite photo is the one of Watari, L, Mello and Near, the whole Wammy set complete >w<)
-Police Raito is super cute too, haha. I want one.
-No scar Mello (=_=) ...
-On top of the three Raitos and four Ls from the previous collection, we got other two Raitos and two Ls in this new collection. And no scar Mello (=_=);
-No Shidou because Raito and L are busy getting more figurines (and in L's case, he always looks the same, just with different items in his hands).
-No SPK due to the reason mentioned previously.
This said, I'd love to have a Case File#3 with scar Mello (><;
And maybe other characters that aren't Raito, L, or Misa? ;
I'm not counting on a Case File#3, though.
But oh well! Overall, I'm happy with them. They're soooo cute, and I can't wait to have them in my hands. If I remember well, they'll be released on January (I wonder why they're taking so long ;;;).
But wasn't the first collection released this month? Or was it the next one? ;;
I'm also curious as to who the secret character will be. Perhaps it should be Raito this time, since L was the secret one from the previous collection. It's odd when another character is given more importance than the main one (^^;